Chapter Seven

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 I slowly took the spiraling steps, one at a time, plunging into the depths of the pit. Asylum, that was a better name for it. Whoever it was, this "her" that Chris mentioned, this must be torture to her. Being alone in the darkness, it's enough to make even the calmest of people go crazy. I tried to focus on my breathing as I went, listening to the rhythmic pounding in my chest, and the echoes of Chris and Shai's feet behind me. The most comforting thought,however, was imagining Gally. That night we had together, sitting in the treetops, talking about me...about my secrets. He had compared me to the walls of the Maze.

"...Your kind of people...they remind me of these walls. You see only a side of them, and no matter how hard you try to discover their secrets, they always lead you astray, constantly changing, constantly looming above they're just there to tempt people. Lure them in, and then trap them inside, with all of their monsters. That's what you remind me of, Lilli."

Everything about that night, had been so wonderful. I hadn't realized it at the time, I didn't for a long while after that. But it was. It was peaceful, and serene, and wonderful. I let my mind echo his words throughout my body, the way I remembered so vividly his voice, yet very well may never hear it again in this lifetime. It was beyond frightening. His voice, it soothed me. More than anything else I had ever experienced. I only wondered whether it might sooth me again, or if it was in fact- forever lost to the oasis of death.

"You should be nearly to the bottom now, Lilli." Chris echoed from above me. I bit my lip, torn from my own little reality bubble.I nodded.

"Ok." Was all I could muster.

Gally's POV:

It's been roughly 24 hours since the strange people had checked up on me. They hadn't let me out, although when I re awoke from my sleep,there was a tray with a glass of water and a plate of eggs and toast beside me. At least they weren't trying to starve me. I ate the food provided, not even realizing how hungry I really was until I'd finished. The instant I took the last bite of toast, the metal door that was the only way out of the captivity cell, opened. I looked up, only to be greeted by the same pink haired girl from yesterday. Milo.

"We thought you'd never wake up." She smirked, folding her arms across her chest dutifully. I rolled my eyes slightly, knowing that if push came to shove, I could easily take her out and make a run for it.

"Well, I'm up now." I said dryly. She smiled, nodding.

"I'll be showing you around today. Explaining your new job...the usual." She sounded so calm and collected, as if she'd done this before. I raised an eyebrow.

"My new job?" Milo nodded, stepping inside the doorway a bit as she walked closer to me. I stood suddenly, crossing my arms over my chest to show that I wasn't afraid of lashing out. She stopped walking, clearing her throat and glancing down at the ground slightly before recovering.

"Yeah. You heard Glass. You're with us now. Part of the gang."She chuckled lightly as she said the last part, but I didn't laugh along with her.

"I'm not a part of your 'gang'. I need to get out of here. I need to find-" Before I could finish, I thought better of it.Letting a stranger in on my plans to escape this horrid place probably wasn't the smartest idea. I shut my mouth. Milo had a smug expression spread across her face.

"You can kiss your little girlfriend goodbye, Galileo. She's not coming for you. She was caught by WICKED, it's too late for her."Her face never showed the slightest signs of sympathy. I clenched my fist.

"How do you know my name?" I growled. Milo smirked, obviouslyfeeling an increase in power as she took a step forward.

"We did a little research on you while you were asleep. WICKED'Srecords aren't particularly difficult to access when you have one oftheir ships." She smirked. I glared at her.

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