Chapter Eleven

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Newt's POV:

They called it "Phase Two"." We stood there in shock. What were they talking about? Could it really be? I mean, if I really thought about it, it made sense. A group of boys...a group of girls. Two separate tests, with two separate groups. It seemed so strange. To think that there was another group. Another group like us.

"Y-you're here, by WICKED?" Minho stuttered. Margaret nodded.

"Yeah, know them?" Minho's mouth hung open in shock, so I stepped forward.

"Actually, this is gonna sound crazy...but we're here by them too.Same trial, same "Phase Two" klunk...all of it. We only escaped the Maze a few days ago we-"

"You came from a Maze too?" The short, dark haired girl beside Margaret spoke up, obviously in shock. I nodded.

"Wait, did you come from a Maze?" The girl nodded.

"Yeah. We got out about 5 days ago. Got some rest, got our weapons,and briefing on the Scorch...and then they sent us out here. We've..we've lost a few already..." She trailed off. I hung my head slightly.

"I'm sorry. We've lost a few as well." I said softly. She gave me a sympathetic smile, nodding.

"So, wait...we've gone through the exact same thing? Cranks and all? This is so shucking weird..." Margaret spoke out. Minho raised an eyebrow.

"Cranks? No, we never had Cranks in the Maze. We had Grievers, but never had Cranks. Did your Maze have Cranks?" Margaret looked beyond confused at this point.

"Your Maze didn't have Cranks? Grievers? Yeah, I know what those are I mean we-" She but herself off abruptly, her eyes darting around, as though memories were flooding back into her mind.

"I...I remember...I remember now. I don't know why, they must have tried wiping our memories again..Yeah, I remember you guys. Group A."She spoke calmly. This was all so beyond confusing. They remembered?They had their memories? How did they know us?

Margaret's POV:

Minho. Thomas. Newt. Frypan. All of them. They were standing in front of us. Of course not all of them. Some must have been lost in the Maze. I scanned the crowd, a new sense of familiarity to the crowd before us. I took a deep breath, as I scanned the final face. Bit my lip as I covered my mouth out of instinct. Gally. He wasn't here. Oh no. No. Was he gone? We had never seen or heard from Lilli or Shai after they were taken from the Glade that one, horrid day. But I had to believe that they were alive. And if my belief was true- this would literally crush Lilli.

Lilli's POV:

I woke up, long before daylight had the chance to break the surface of the horizon. The air was stiff, cool, the thin blankets were hardly enough to keep me from the crisp chill of the night air.Strange, for a desert one would assume heat would perpetuate into the darkness of the night, but quite the opposite. Funny, we think we know so much, and then just like that- they go and change it all up.Maybe it's all just to spite us, to keep us on our toes. I knew Shai was sleeping, her soft snores echoed throughout the concrete walls of the room. I sighed quietly to myself, clutching my arms to my chest as I subconsciously swayed back and forth.

"We'll survive this...we'll survive this...we'll survive this..."Just barely audible, the syllables that left my lips, withering away into the ether's of nothingness- but not before I could hear myself say them. The Maze. The Maze, was so...much better. And so much worse, at the same time. We understood more now, here in the Scorch.But in the Maze, we were together. We were united, a strong force to be reckoned with. Here in the desert, separated- we were weak. We were vulnerable. The Scorch brought multiple variables of danger into the situation, something that, back in the Maze, was not an issue.Cranks, although much smaller than Grievers, possess far greater intellect and blood lust than that of the slimy, green spider robots.They were often easier to kill, because they were smaller, but the downside is- Cranks travel in packs. You never fight just one. A luxury you have when it comes to Griever fighting. I sat awhile, just thinking over everything. Honestly, anything but Gally. Anything but Shai, anything but the grand possibility of dying, 2 days from now during the Escape. What if I survived...but something happened to Shai, or Chris? Could I live with myself. The truth was, I knew the answer- no. No, of course I couldn't live with myself. Shai was like a sister to me, and Chris was just a kid.Chuck. He was like Chuck. God, I missed Chuck. I missed all of them, but that's what kept me going. Knowing that I'll see their faces again, I know I will. I have to. If not for me, then for Shai. So Shai can be reunited with Minho, and so Chris can finally have the freedom he wanted. Even if I died, I didn't care. All I wanted, was to get Shai and Chris to safety, back with the others. And maybe,just maybe- if everything went well, I'd see Gally again. Because truth be told, I didn't want to live much without him.

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