Chapter Five

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Newt's POV:

North. Go North, they said. Just a few hours ago, we'd been told about yet another trial where we were essentially blackmailed into participating. Some savior, WICKED. They give us poison so they can tempt us with the cure. For all we knew, a cure didn't even exist. Who were we kidding, it's not like we had a choice. I sighed, silently cursing my entire existence. Why did I even have to bother going on? Was all of this ever going to end? I glanced softly in Thomas' direction, his fingers intertwined with mine as he rubbed soft circles on my knuckles absentmindedly. At this point, he was my only reminder of what was real. He was why I kept going. He was my everything. He was all I had, and he was all I wanted.

"Newt?" He said softly, although my vision was obstructed by the darkness of the tunnel. I raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Yeah, Tommy?" I asked softly, as we continued walking through the darkness, nervousness evident in my voice as we tread with care.We couldn't lose another. Not to those metallic monsters.

"I just...I guess I just wanted to say..." He stopped halfway, as though contemplating whether or not he wanted to go through with his confession. I bit my lip. I knew that neither of us how out right admitted our attraction for the other, despite the obviousness that it was there. At least on my end, I suppose I could never be sure as what Tommy really felt.

"Go on then, what were you going to say?" I said softly. I could hear his nervous swallowing from here. He sighed.

"I just, I really like- I like...Newt, I really li-" Suddenly, we heard someone yelp in front of us.

"What's going on?" I shouted up towards the front of the group.There was a bit of murmuring, before a distinct voice caught my attention. Minho.

"Hey, Shuckfaces! I think I just...I think I found stairs! Holy shit! I found stairs! Newt, Thomas! Come here a minute!" I squeezed Tommy's hand as we pushed past a few other Gladers, making our way closer to the sound of Minho's voice. Finally, I felt a strong hand on my shoulder, and instantly knew that it was Minho.

"Aye, Shuckfaces, took you long enough." Minho said, and I could feel the inevitable smirk spreading across his face. I nodded,rolling my eyes.

"yeah yea, what's going on?" Thomas stepped forward, his hand never leaving my grip. I smiled softly to myself as Minho guided Tommy and I blindly for a moment or two, until we both felt a definite ledge appear in front of our feet. It was a step up. I letgo off Tommy's hand, placing my feet cautiously on the step. Just as Minho had suspected, there was another step in front of that one.Stairs.

"Bloody hell, you're right!" I shouted back, even though Minhowas only a foot or two behind me.

"No shit, shuckface!" Minho chuckled, giving me a hand as I stepped back down. Minho announced to the others that the three of us would investigate what was at the top of the stairs, while the rest off them waited behind. Meanwhile, I felt blindly into the dark,trying to find Tommy's hand again. Suddenly, I felt his fingers intertwine with mine, and I sighed softly in relief.

"Happy?" Tommy whispered softly into my ears, mocking slightly as he had obviously heard my relieved sigh. I chuckled, nodding slightly before realizing that he couldn't see me.

"Maybe a little. Is that a crime?" I smirked, and I heard him chuckle softly. I loved his laugh.

"Nope. Just the way I like it." Tommy said, his lips so close to my ear that I could feel his hot breath against my neck. I smiled,blushing deeply. Suddenly, I was more than a little grateful for the pitch black darkness that surrounded us.

The Escape ~ Gally TMRWhere stories live. Discover now