Chapter Fifteen

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Lilli's POV:

What other choice did we have? I sighed, looking to Shai, but she was already starring at me. I nodded slowly, stepping forward as I stared directly into his dark, sharp slints of eyes.

"Fine. But know this.." I stepped closer, so that he could feel my breath against his skin. He swallowed his nerves, trying to remain calm for the sake of appearances.

"When you look at me, you see a sweet girl, who's trying to get out of a bad situation, and get back to her friends. That's all you see. But what you don't realize you're looking at? Is a shell. What you see, it's the shell, of who I used to be. I'm not the same person I was. And that may never have been a person you met, but it's what you're seeing right now. And you're wrong. Because I got pushed around, too many damn times, and I'm done. I'm done with all of this shit, and I have no intentions of letting some lanky little hotshot in a white lab coat who can't even fill his own britches- get in my way. Is that understood?" My voice was dark and hushed, but I knew he heard me, loud and clear. He nodded, his face stoic, hiding any number of emotions beneath his tough skin. I blinked twice, pursing my lips, giving him a curt nod,before turning on my heels, retreating to my place beside Shai and Chris. Jona nodded once more. Silence so mighty one could not slice through it with the Excalibur itself.

"Right. Well then, let's get out of here, shall we?"

Gally's POV:

Crashing. I was most definitely crashing. Alarms were blaring from all angles, dangerous red lights flashing as I ran from wall to wall, searching control panels near the control center of the ship. You know, for a hover ship, you would think it would do a bit more hovering, and a bit less falling.

"Uuurrrrrgggghhh!" I growled in frustration, frantically trying to sort out what was what. There was no way I could reverse this in time. I mean, for shuck's sake, I couldn't fly a plane! I built makeshift huts for three bloody years!I didn't even know what half of those buttons meant! I watched through the front window panel as the large ship plummeted towards the sand of the earth.

"Shuckfaces..." I murmured,running through the halls to the supply closet. Bingo. A parachute pack. I hastily strapped it to my body, adrenaline racing through my veins. My footing was far from stable as I rushed through the collapsing plane, holding on to anything I could find. I held on to the central control panel, my heart increasing with each passing moment. There was only one apparent way out. Sighing, I rushed forward towards the front panel of glass. At top speed, the side of my body made connection with the glass, shattering it in an instant. Freedom. The moment I was in the air, I knew that the plane would hit the ground far before I did. And lucky for me I jumped when I did, as it wasn't seconds later that the Berg collided with the sand, a flurry of dirt billowing up from where it landed. I reached back quickly to the tethered string, yanking it forcefully as the parachute opened up flawlessly, catching wind as my descent slowed almost entirely. And suddenly, serenity. I glided softly towards the ground, looking out over the horizon of nothing but dunes. Suddenly, just before the view disappeared behind a great sand dune- I saw it. A town of sorts. Something. Nothing much, nothing excessive. But it was something. Looked run down from what I could tell, probably only a few days walk from here. It was my best chance. When I got down to the ground,that's the way I'd head.

Minho's POV:

Coexisting with Group B wasn't as hard as we originally thought it would be. For the most part, they were very welcoming of our ways, and vise verse. We did have minor differences, but nothing we couldn't handle.

" long do you think we'll stay here?" Thomas inquired, as we sat still on a bench inside the building we had staked out. I shrugged.

"Shuck if I know. Long enough to regain our bearings. Eat some more food, get a feel for the other group more. We've got some time to spare, don't worry your pretty little head too much about it, Tommy boy." It was a good nickname,but I was more expectant of the reaction I would acquire from him. Thomas furrowed his brow, crossing his arms over his chest.

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