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  • Dedicated to My Mother



I smiled gently to myself as I slipped the baggy white shirt over my head. I had been released from Hospital a few days ago and had finally went to Chris' home for the week or two that I still owed him.

Not that he even needed to still convince me to be with him anymore. But I still wasn't going to go to school for a few days and neither was Chris.

I had learnt that whilst I was in hospital, I had died for a few minutes. A scary thought that I wished I did not know and they had had to use the defibrillator to bring me back. How I love electricity.

My mother had decided to come too as she was still...shaken from the accident, you might say, although I had tried to convince her that I was fine.

But you can't separate a mother from a child when the child 'still needs me'. Which I guess I still kind of did to be honest. When I had arrived at his house though the first thing I saw was Nate, Ryan, Micheal and Andrew.

That was probably the most tense moment of my life ever since I was born naked....

Chris' parents had picked us, by us it also included my mum who would not leave my side, even to go to the toilet, honestly woman, up from the Hospital and as we went up the winded driveway I could see the 4 boys standing outside of the front door, heads down and Micheal had a bouquet of yellow and pink flowers in his hands. I smiled ,kind of smugly I must admit, slightly to myself at the sight.

As the car pulled to a stop right outside of the house, I stepped out and they quickly ran over to me repeating their apologies to me over and over again until it was all just a buzz of noise.

During my time in the hospital I had learnt that life was short, and holding grudges was not the sensible way to go about in life. Unless you were some sort of idiot...Like me... It would just make you a miserable and bitter old hag with no friends. Difference there though was that I had friends but you get my drift.

We had slowly been getting closer over the few days, not best friends but close considering that they practically lived in this house and I saw them everyday we were quite close, and Mary had been over everyday after school. 'She has no life' a little voice in my head said and I snorted. 

I had seen her and Nate making goo-goo eyes at each other and was planning on ways to get themtogether.

They would be the sweetest couple and would get married and have to cutest babies! And I would be a Godmother... But they would need to start dating first and fast!

I heard shouting coming from downstairs and identified it as Chris' voice and the other shrill voice as a girl I could not identify.

Then I heard something smash so I quickly stuffed my socks onto my feet and pulled my jeans on quickly, nearly giving myself a wedgie. I ran down the stairs ignoring the puppy running next to me. 

Yes, I could not believe I had forgotten about Fluffs. And it had taken a lot of bribery and treats to get him to like me again, so he had become quite chubby. He had abandonement issues. 

I reached the bottom of the stairs to find a lanky skanky brunette practically trying rape Chris on the wall near the coat pegs. Chris looked terrified. 

"Come on baby...you know you want me back. I know I do. I don't even know why we broke up in the first place. Your my Chrissy poo." She talked to Chris in a baby voice, which she probably though sounded seductive, and rubbed her thumb over Chris' mouth. 

Anger flared up inside of me and I stepped down the last couple of stair loudly, so she was sure to hear me. 

Her head snapped up towards me, then glared when she finally focused on me.

"Who are you?" She snarled.

"Chris' girlfriend, who the hell are you?" I replied casually as I leaned against the banister and Fluffs sat down next to me looking menacing releasing little growls thorough his tiny mouth. Well as menacing as a puppy as big as a tea cup can look and act.

"Uh, excuse me. But I'm his girlfriend." She glared at me,"Aren't I sweetie?" She turned to Chris, batting her eyelashes like crazy.

A determined looking Chris stepped next to me, glaring at the brunette and replied in a deep voice, "No you're not. Hailey is." then with a sigh added,"Cassie, just go home."

Cassie, eh?

"You heard him Cassie." I said as I stepped down the final step, Fluffs right behind me," Just go home." 

Cassie glared at me before stepping toward me until she was in my face.

"This isn't over." She hissed. Spit flying out of her mouth with a little bit hitting my cheek.

Disgusted I wiped it off with the back of my hand and leaned in further.

"Oh, I think it is." 

Cassie glared into my face, then I saw her face contort to one of shock, then pain before she cussed and looked down at her leg. I looked down to see Fluffs biting at Cassie's ankles and I laughed to myself. 

"Oh look Cassie, you're really not wanted around here." I smiled smugly at her. 

She glared at me before huffing and puffing her way out of the door, but not without one last threat that she would be back. I don't think so.

I laughed to myself as I picked up Fluffs and turned to a flustered looking Chris.

"Cassie, huh?" I asked him as I walked into the kitchen.

I laughed as Chris walked over to me, trying to explain. I raised my hand and put my finger against his lips..

"It's OK." I whispered as I leaned in and kissed him. 

Willingly this time.

Oh so very willingly....

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