Chapter 7

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" sooo do you think I should put it in the group chat or wait until they all meet her?" Jisung asks anxiously. He folds his lip with his fingers and bites his front teeth into them.

" I don't know, if it's a competition, then bangchan doesn't have much of a chance..... I heard he miss took her for someone else. " I get my dress from yesterday over my naked body and sigh as it gets tangled.

Han walks over to me and gently helps me with my dress.

" Yeah, innie told me, he choked her...... but they did start dancing later." his hot breath was on my stomach as he crouched down to fix the bottom of my dress.

" You never know she could like that." I smile a little. He stops his hand at the top of my ankle and looks up at me.

" Not everyone is as freaky as you, Hazel." he rolls his eyes, but before he can look down, I place my finger on his chin. He stood up without disconnecting our serious eyes.

" Don't act like you don't want to be my master," I wink as his eyes widen a little, I kiss his cheek innocently until he slides his arms smoothly around my waist.

" Baby, I have to go say hi to Jas " I whisper in his ear. His head shakes slowly and kisses my lips with passion, but I knew I had to pull away from him before we started what I thought we finished last night.

" ba-"

" No ...... your master says to stay here. "

Fuck... his voice was so serious and smooth. I wanted to get down on my knees for him and give him everything I have, but I pulled away and sighed.

" You're not my master," I say, trying to breath, the kiss caught me off guard so much that I could feel myself getting dizzy.

" I can be... Right here. Right now, " he tilts his head a little, he gives me a " try me" face, but I knew better than to break my own rules I put in place for myself.

" Han you know thats not how that works" my voice was boarding on annoyed because he wouldn't let my hips go, I knew if I really had to he would let me go but he was acting like a little brat right now.

" we will make it work.... now... get on your knees. " his voice and face were so serious that my eyes widened. This dude really thought he could control me.
Before I knew it, I started to get on my knees in front of him.
He looked down at me with a smirk.

" Good job, baby." he slowly rubs my neck as his eyes roam my cleavage.

" fuck my rules" I mumble unintentionally
out loud.

" No, my sweet sub .... fuck me"


As I slowly walked up the stairs anxiously, I heard mumble and random noises from the rooms.

* knock knock*

" come in" his deep monotone voice echos into my ear, my body tenses up by accident but I push passed the door and walk in.

" im here to talk about the paintings you wanted to buy" I close the door behind me and his eyes look up from his desk to my eyes.

" Oh.... ummm" his eyes widen and I walk to the chair infront of his desk.

" Hazel usually does the appointments but she called in sick today .... may I? " I point to the chair and he nods but doesn't say anything.

" so... uh.... your here for paintings?" He blinks a couple of times as confusion roams his face.

" yes, here are some photos that we took, I don't really know what Hazel was showing you but...." My sentence trails off as my eyes go from the photo book on the desk to him on his phone.


" umm so... did you have any in mind?" My question lingers in the air as he looks from his phone to the wall. I assumed he was zoning out but I honestly just wanted to get this over with, I felt like I'm humiliating myself since I walked away from him last night.

" Uh.... so.. yeah you .... have ... pictures.. great" he takes a breath with every word, he started to get up out of his chair and walked over to my chair now looking at his desk.

The fuck is he doing?
I put the photos infront of him for a reason so why is he leaning near me to look at his desk?

I slowly turn the photobook so we can both look at it correctly, he places one hand on the edge of his desk and the other on the back of my seat which was like a half inch away from my back.

" wow they look good " he nods and leans even closer so he can watch as I slowly flip through the pages.

" thanks" I breath out under my breath, my body was so still I probably looked like a statue.

" So how many of these did you paint?" His face was inching closer to me and I felt his body heat coming off of him.

" ummm... only a few" my voice was still a whisper, I didn't know why he was so close but it reminded me of last night. I remembered his hands on my hip and my neck.
I slowly close my eyes as I breathe out a shaky breath, I wish I could feel his lips on my neck and his hands on my thighs.

" Okay I'll take all of the ones you painted " I snap my eyes open.

The fuck?
" The fuck?" I breathe out as my eyes meet his, his head is so close to mine I want to scream but he just smirks a little and slowly slides his hand from the back of my chair.
I could feel his hand brush my arm lightly, goosebumps travel up my arm from his touch.

" what do you mean... I dont have that many of mine in stocks right now." I move my body to a more comfortable position as he slowly walks back to his seat and sits down.

" then I guess you'll have to paint for me" he smiles a little and goes back to his papers.

The.... fuck.... this guy...
I want to feel every part of his body, I want him to explore mine right now.

" you..... want.. me to..paint" my eyes are so wide that they start to water a little, a look of concern flashs on his face but when my eyes roam his thick biceps as smirk appears on his face.

" You want me to paint but I want to fuc-" as soon as I almost let him know my intentions someone opens the door and violently slams it shut.

" fuck. Fucking Shit!" I yell getting startled from the loud noise.

I move my body to see a sweaty out of breath Jeongin staring down at me.

" yes?" Chan says hardly looking up at his desk eventhough his smirk grows bigger in size as if his papers are the most entertaining thing in the world.

" uhh... what are you guys up to?" He walks closer to me and glares at Chan.

" she's here on business Jeongin.... we were just discussing her painting something for the main room" his voice is monotone now and his smirk is gone.

" Oh.... okay well if you guys are done I'd like to talk to her" his voice is still ragged as he trys to catch his breath.

" be a gentleman and ask her...not me" I look between both of them confused as Jeongin glares at Chan and Chan writing on his papers.

" uhh okay ummm, are you done with your appointment, I thought we could have some lunch downstairs" his demeanor completely changed when he looked at me. He took my hands in his and smiled sweetly as he talked.

He waits for my answer but I look back and Chan confused, he doesn't even look up at me he just slowly nods his head as he finishes his writing on his paper and swirls his chair around ignoring us.

" uhh yeah I guess we are done " I look back at Jeongin as his face lights up and pulls me from my seat.

As Jeongin guides me out of the office I look back as him and chan share a serious look.

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