Chapter 13

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Authors note:
For anyone who needs help visualizing what Hazel looks like the picture above should help.
I also tried to find one for what I thought Jasmine looked like but I honestly couldn't find the correct dirty blonde woman that looks right lol.
You can also imagine whatever person you want, I try my best not to do the same type of person in every story.


" I mean he's not a bad guy it's just... it's complicated " I heard Seungmin and Jasmine talking as I walked back up the stairs to my office.

Are they talking about... Felix?

As I opened the door Seungmin flew to the other side of the couch with wide eyes.

" family meeting, " I tell him nodding my head towards the open door, he nods quietly and leaves just the two of us in my office.

I close the office door before I open my bedroom ones and start to take my clothes off from last night.

Jasmine quietly follows me and sits at the end of my bed.

" So what were you guys talking about?" I say putting on a pair of clean boxers.

" just my membership.... what about you guys?" She says in a sweet tone.
She looks so good in my sweats that I want to go over there and take them off of her, I want us to be by ourselves this time without Jeongin or Hazel.

"Who?" I ask putting my shirt on and I walk over to her.

" you and Felix " She smiles even more when I step in front of her and brush my thumb over her cheek.

Why would she want to know that... why would she care?

" you'll find out at the family meeting " I whisper as I slowly kiss her on the lips, her movements are slow and gentle which was a nice contrast from last night.

"I'm invited?" She asks confused, I just nod my head and lift her off my bed so we can go downstairs.

♠︎ Jasmine's P.O.V ♠︎

" Jasmine?" Chan and I both looked at his office where Jeongin was walking in.

"There you are," he says with a big smile.

"Carry me?" I ask with a small pout but Jeongin just laughs a little to himself and picks me up, I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist happily.

" I think you broke yourself not me" Jeongin whispers in my ear.

" Oh whatever " I grumble into his neck, his scent was nice and he must have just taken a shower because the ends of his hair were wet.

As Jeongin carries me out of the office I watch Chan drag behind us, he's looking down at the ground and picks at his thumbs anxiously.

" You're so warm," Jeongin says kissing my head, I bury my face into his neck shyly.

" I think I can walk now" I whisper, he gives me a small pout but lets me down slowly.
Jeongin walks down the stairs but Chan stands next to me still picking at his fingers and zoning out, he looks over at me with a blank face, kisses me on the temple, and walks down the stairs.

Everyone was circled around a table full of food as I followed the guys except for the blonde guy I saw last night, he was standing near the corner secluded while everyone was happily talking to each other.

"Hey," I hear his deep voice say as I take the last step of the stairs.

" Hi," I say back, he smiles at me happily and I stick my hand in the pockets of Chan's sweats that I'm still wearing.

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