Chapter 39- Day 2

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There are higher chances that people would read my author’s note below than here, so I’ll just below haha. Most people are too excited to read the story that they scroll down. Ha, I do that so I know. “Evil laugh”

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Chapter 39- Day 2

*Nathan’s POV*

We only have a few seconds left before the game and I lost count on our scores already. I couldn’t let Josh win this round too. He already won the first but I’ll assure him that I’ll get the following rounds.

Why was I scared of losing? No, I wasn’t scared of losing; I was scared of losing Trisha. I know she loves me, but there was this little feeling that told me she has feelings for Josh. I know no matter how much I denied it; Trisha was actually falling for Josh. Honestly, if I didn’t confessed before Josh did, I think Trisha will not be with me now.

But she chose me right? So does that mean she loves me more? I know it wasn’t reasonable to have this bet with Josh, but somehow he made me agree to this. One thing was for sure, he’s determined to get Trish back and I am determined not to give her to him.

So, Josh Carter, bring it on!

I will not lose Trisha. I will do everything I can not to lose her. I hate to admit this, but I was really unsure about Trisha’s decision. I was really afraid that if Josh will win, she might actually choose him over me. If I win this bet, josh will leave us alone. That way, I will be sure that Trisha will never leave me.

Before this Sports Fest was just a battle of glory and attention, but this year it was way different. It was not only competing for the prize but for the most precious thing to both Josh and I—Trisha’s heart.

I almost lost her once and I will not let that happen again. I don’t know if I could still have her back if that happens. I saw the way Trisha looked at Josh before the Basic Exercises and I was actually threatened during that time. The look in her eyes made me feel that she really cared for Josh.

That was the reason why Josh caught me off guard during the first round when he brought that up. The picture of Trisha looking at Josh made my heart hurt and I didn’t have the strength to continue anymore. I won’t let that happen this time.

“Okay! Team One won!” I heard Principal Crippet announced.

There were some groan from the audience, but we were not interested on which team won the basketball competition. We were interested on who got the highest number of points. I could tell that Josh wasn’t interested even though it was his team that won. He was interested on whether he got the most number of points or not.

“Our winner for this round, garnering a total of one hundred and twenty-four points is…”

I could feel my heart beating very fast now. Everyone was eager to know who got the most number of points…

“Mr. Joshua Carter!”

The crowd started to cheer. Most of the girls were squealing. I glanced at Trisha and I could see that she was happy too. She didn’t know I was looking at her. I could feel the disappointed flush through my veins. I lost again. I couldn’t let Josh win the next round or else I’m toast.

I looked at Josh and he was smiling widely at me. I bet he was saying “in your face” repeatedly inside his head. I can’t believe I lost to him. Again! Maybe he won this time, but I’ll make sure I’ll win the next rounds.

“Okay, that concludes our games for today! Students you are dismissed. Please come here again tomorrow and don’t be late. We will have Wall Climbing tomorrow. To the thirty qualifiers, please be ready for tomorrow’s games. I suggest that you take more rest and eat plenty of food.”

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