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It's been two weeks since I stole the souls of Daphne and the others. Everything is going as planned, much better than last time. I remembered what was my biggest mistake that time: bringing all the members of Mystery into the Order at the same time. What was I thinking? Together they are a problem... but apart... *laughs*... apart, they are just a bunch of losers.My eyes wandered to the wall, where I hung an old photo from the old days at Mystery of the Order. Fred and Daphne's faces are crossed out with a big red X. There is still one piece on the board: Vilma. She, unlike the others, is a potential threat. She's intuitive, too smart... and I like that.

I grab Fred and Daphne's phones, and notice that they both have appointments for next week. That eliminates the possibility of using them as bait, like I did with Daphne. It doesn't matter; There are always ways to attract someone as curious as her.

My eyes linger on the computer screen, looking at ads and posts. Then, I notice something interesting.

—But I don't think I'm going to need them.

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