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Bruce pressed his pen hard down onto the paper, writing some small notes whilst listening to what his English teacher was saying about the extract they were reading. His pen was running out of ink already due to the large amount of writing they had to do. It wasn't like anything back in Denver. He actually quite enjoyed the lessons. He found it sort of easy, and he liked a challenge. He was actually one of the top students in the class. Right behind Roman.

"Roman." The teacher spoke softly. "What is the use of fog in the extract?" Roman placed his pen down on his book. A small cocky grin grew on his face. Bruce huffed. He wanted someone just to wipe that look off his stupid rich face.

"The fog is a metaphor." He answered confidently.

"Incorrect." She said. His grin disappeared in a second. Bruce could tell he wasn't used to getting things wrong. He found it pretty satisfying to watch. "Bruce. What did Roman say that was incorrect?" Bruce's head snapped up as he looked at the teacher, making sure she was definitely talking to him. He could feel the whole class staring at him. Romans eyes practically burning straight through him. He sighed. He knew the answer.

"The fog isn't a metaphor for anything. The fog is personified." The teacher smiled gently.

"Looks like you have competition, Roman. Well done, Bruce." Bruce's eyes moved to Romans' direction, an unhappy look on his face. Great. He was better off dead. Still, Bruce couldn't help but form a proud smirk. The bell rang, causing Bruce to break eye contact. "Well, it looks like we have run out of time. You all should be great full to know that I have not set you any homework." She announced. Everyone began to pack up as they rushed out of class. Bruce slung his bag over his shoulder and started to head toward the door. "Bruce, can you come here." She said softly, forcing him to stop and turn around.

"Uh, sure." He bit his cheek nervously. "Is everything ok?" He asked with worry.

"I just wanted to ask, what was school like back in Colorado?" She tilted her head. Bruce looked in the corner of his eyes, seeing that Roman was still there. He breathed out.

"It was ok. Why, you ask?" The truth was the teachers didn't care. They were getting paid practically nothing and couldn't be bothered to actually teach anything useful. She hummed.

"I want you to participate more in my lessons. I know you know the answers. You are a smart kid. Show it." She said. Bruce nodded slowly. She walked out, leaving only Bruce and Roman. Bruce scoffed.

"What do you want?" He asked in annoyance. Why couldn't he just leave him alone.

"Don't you think for one second that just because Vance threatened me, I won't make your life a living hell." He spat, taking a step toward Bruce.

"Look, I said I'm sorry. What else do you want from me?" Roman took another step toward him, shoving him.

"Why don't you and your fag friends go back home and leave this place." Bruce grew angry. The people were really assholes here.

"They're not fags." Roman started to smirk.

"Oh, you don't know? Your two friends were caught kissing in the library." Bruce's face dropped. Was he lying just to piss him off, or had they actually kissed and not told him. Roman was about to say something else, but the door opened. Both of their heads turned.

"Roman. Let's go to lunch. I've been waiting for ages." His friend said, interrupting them.

"Yeah, whatever." He huffed, shoving past Bruce.

Bruce walked into the cafeteria, thinking over his interaction with Roman. He didn't know if he should be mad or confused. He sat down on his table, staring at Robin and Finney.

"Hey, Bruce." Finney smiled gently at him. "Are you ok? You look a little mad." He pointed out.

"Were you guys ever going to tell me you're together?" Both of their eyes grew wide, and they looked at each other. How did he know? Robin relaxed.

"What are you on about?" He asked cooly, trying to play it off. Bruce frowned.

"Someone saw you two in the library kissing and told Roman." A silence fell on the table, and Finney and Robin looked in pure shock. "How could you guys not tell me?" Bruce solked. Robin scoffed.

"I'm sorry, but it's none of your business what me and Finn do by ourselves." Bruce stared at him, his hands balling into tight fists.

"You know what? I'm not hungry. See you." He stood up, storming off before he yelled at someone.

Vance's pov:

I sat on my bed sketching and smoking like I usually do. It was calming to me. The door swung open and slammed shut as Bruce threw himself on his bed. Great. Guess I would have to deal with that. I put my sketchbook down to one side, threw my cigarette out the window, and sat down on Bruce's bed.

"You ok?" He sat up and stared at me. He sighed before speaking.

"I hate this place!" He started. "The people are dicks, I have piles of homework and I don't have a person." I looked at him, a little confused. It was obvious something had ticked him off.

"What do you mean?" I asked, and he breathed out, trying to compose himself.

"I don't have a person." He repeated like I would understand the second time. "I don't have someone who I can trust. Who I can call when something cool happens or I'm in trouble. Back in Colorado, I had loads of friends, and I took it for granted, and now I have no one." He rambled, and I nodded. I knew the feeling. I put my arm around his shoulder.

"You got me." I smiled gently. He looked at me in the eyes, and I couldn't help but get butterflies. Geez. Was it even legal for a guy to be this pretty.

"Thank you." He muttered. I slid my hand off him and looked away.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

A/n: I literally hate this but oh well 😁

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