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Vance stared at his dad with hatred through the other side of the glass. A phone pressed to his ear. He looked like shit but then again, he always did. Vance couldn't recall a time when his dad looked somewhat decent. He didn't understand what his mother ever saw in him.

"So what's new with you?" His dad spoke. "How's school?" Vance shrugged his shoulders.

"The same, I guess." He answered simply. "There is something new." Vance looked at his feet.

"Yeah? What's that?" Vance closed his eyes and breathed out.

"I've got a boyfriend." His dad's laughter echoed through his mind. "What's so funny?" He snapped, getting mad.

"That's not going to last long." Vance balled his fists in anger, wishing there wasn't a peice of glass separating them so he could punch him.

"Why not? He likes me." He said hopefully.

"How can anyone like you? Your own family doesn't like you. What makes you think he will?" Vance felt his heart go heavy, listening to his dad talk. The worst thing was that he had a point. "Once he realises how much of a screw up you are, he'll be gone in a flash." Vance slammed his fists against the table.

"Shut up! I'm nothing like you!" He screamed, trying to get his words out of his head. His dad only smirked.

"Stop fighting it, Vance. You know deep down that you're going to face the same fate as me in the end."

Vance's body snapped up, and he clutched his chest, trying to catch his breath. Bruce groaned and rubbed his eyes, slowly sitting up.

"Vance? Are you ok?" Bruce spoke worriedly. The blonde glanced towards his alarm clock.

"Fuck. We're late." He said, completely ignoring Bruce's question. He got off his bed and threw his clothes on in a rush. Bruce doing the same. Once his shirt and trousers were on, he ran out the door, doing his tie on the way. The two burst through the chapel doors, the whole room turned and stared at them silently.

"Sorry, we overslept." Bruce apologised. The man on the podium sucked his teeth disapprovingly.

"Both of you sit down." He ordered. They listened, sitting at the back quietly. Bruce nudged Vance's leg slightly.

"Is everything ok?" He whispered. "You look a little freaked out." Bruce pointed out. Vance couldn't answer, so he just stared straight, trying to listen to whatever the guy was on about. It proved to be hard as the only thing Vance could think about was the words his dad said. Even if it was just a dream. It hurt. Like he was getting stabbed in the chest.

People began to stand up around Vance, so he figured it was time for breakfast. He stood up and left, not hearing Bruce repeat his name. It wasn't like he was trying to ignore him. He could just feel an episode coming. He would get them from time to time and couldn't stop them. He used to take pills for them but stopped as they just made him feel worse.

He grabbed his food and sat down on a table with Caleb. No one went near Caleb as he didn't speak to anyone, and people found him strange, so Vance knew he wouldn't have to talk. He could feel multiple eyes on him. He looked up, seeing the odd looks Bruce and his friends were giving him. Bruce faintly smiled, his eyes flickering with sadness. Vance forced his eyes back down, not wanting to feel the pain I'm his chest. Why did he think he could just start dating again.

(Time skip)

Millie stared at Vance, slunched over his desk like he had been for the past hour, not taking a single note. She knew what was happening. She was the only person who actually knew about Vance's episodes and how to deal with them. She tapped him gently.

"Hey, Vance. Do you want to come to my room?" She spoke gently. "We can smoke some weed and skip class." Vance raised his head, nodding slightly. Millie pulled him to his feat, and they went to her dorm. Vance sat down on her bed. She lit herself a weed and passed it over to Vance.

"Thanks." Vance mumbled, letting the warm smoke take over him.

"You going to tell me what is wrong?" She asked, sitting down next to him. He sighed.

"Do you think I'm going to end up like my dad?" He questioned, laying his head in her lap. She began to play with his hair.

"You had that dream again?" Vance slightly nodded. "You won't. I know you won't." Millie spoke.

"How do you know?" Millie hummed as she thought.

"I just know." She shrugged. "Do you want me to get anyone? Bruce?" Vance shook his head.

"Nah." He took another hit from the joint. "I'll talk to him tomorrow when I'm a little more like myself."

(Time skip)

Vance and Millie were high out of their minds. They had gotten to the stage where they couldn't stop talking.

"I don't even understand why I'm so attracted to him." Vance began. "I mean, we're the complete opposites. He's smart, innocent, has a loving family, and I bet he's never even touched a cigarette." Vance chucked to himself.

"Who?" Millie scrunched her fave in confusion.


"You're attracted to Bruce Yamada! The scholarship!" Millie yelled in suprise.

"Not just attracted. I'm dating him. We got together yesterday." Vance explained with a little smile.

"No fucking way!" She screamed. She was happy for him. "Wait, but i thought you didn't date?" She pointed out.

"Yeah, but he's different. I trust him. I've told him things I've only ever told you." Vance closed his eyes, imagining Bruce's face. His eyes. His hair. His smile. He was perfect. Millie looked down at Vance, realising he had fallen asleep. She laughed and turned off her lamp.

A/n: I wrote this whilst being stuck in traffic lmao

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