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Robins Pov:

I lied down in my bed, bored out of my mind. It was Wednesday, and we had no lessons today. Billy was listening to music and studying like he always did. I could never understand how anyone could study that much, but then again, he was top of all his classes. I should probably study more, but I just didn't get it. I only understood things when Finney explained it to me. He had a way of words. I remembered we were allowed to be off campus as long as we came back before 11 p.m., so I decided to text the others to ask if they wanted to go around and do something. I thought it would be fun as it was new scenery. They all agreed, and Jamie said she would show us around as she knows all the good spots. I got up, throwing on some baggy back jeans, a dark grey queen shirt, a beat-up leather jacket, and a black bandanna. Once I was done getting changed, I walked out my dorm, spotting the other three waiting for me.

"Sorry, I took so long." I apologised. I'm always the last person to be ready for things. I put an arm around Finn, pulling him close. I noticed Bruce was wearing a jacket that I had never seen before. It was black and had a giant grey scull on the back. It was definitely not his style or his size, but I didn't say anything, though I was curious about who's it was.

"So, where are we going to first?" Finney asked curiously.

"Well, we can start off with some food and then we could go clothes shopping and them see a movie?" Everyone nodded their heads. Sounded like a plan. Bruce and Jamie started to walk, getting wrapped up in their own conversation. I was about to walk with them but got yanked backwards by Finn. I looked at him confused.

"You look really good today." He complemented, and I smirked playfully.

"Yeah?" I raised one eyebrow, and he nodded.

"Yeah." I pulled him into a quick kiss before interlocking our fingers together.

"Let's go."

(Time skip)

After a while, we got into the city square. Seattle was much bigger than Denver and was definitely more populated. The streets were loud and busy. Finn couldn't stop getting distracted by things, so I had to keep dragging him along. Jamie had taken us to some restaurant. It wasn't extremely expensive, but it was definitely better than the places back home. We found a table and sat down. I was next to Finn and Jamie next to Bruce. I took a look around the place.

"So why this place?" I asked, watching Jamie's face go a slight shade of red, and she shuffled in her seat uncomfortably.

"Uh, the food here is great." I hummed in response, but I knew there was another reason.

"Vance has spoken about this place before." Bruce said. Me and Finney gave each other a look. "What?" He asked, catching on.

"Bruce. You've spoken about Vance nonstop." Jamie pointed out. Bruce scrunched up his face.

"No, I haven't." He discarded. Everyone had the same look on their faces.

"Yes, you have." I said. "Does Brucey have a crush?" I teased watching him get flustered.

"No, I don't! I had a girlfriend. Remember? Who i loved." He snapped in defence.

"And whose jacket are you wearing?" I pointed out.

"All of my jackets were dirty, and he didn't want me to go cold." He really wasn't helping his case. He sighed, knowing none of us believed him. "Even if I did like him. He's not gay."  Jamie huffed.

"You clearly haven't heard the stories about his old school." Bruce raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to explain. "He lived at an all boys school for a few years. I let you figure it out." Bruce couldn't think of another excuse so he just told us to shut up. A waiter came to the table and Jamie seemed to loose focus.

"Hey, Jamie." The waiter smiled. "Back again?"

"Yeah! I'm here with my friends. This is Bruce, Robin and Finney." She introduced us, nervously. I could tell she liked him.

"Oh, I think you mentioned them the other week." He pointed out and Jamie nodded. We ordered and he left.

"'The food is great' my ass." Bruce laughed.

A/n: filler chapter 😝 bro I swear god is on my side atm. School finished early yesterday and was closed today and because we had a massive storm and it flooded the whole place so no school on Monday ever 😁😁😁

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