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Vance stretched his body as he began to wake up. He immediately started to feel regret for smoking so much weed yesterday. He had a humongous headache, which he knew wouldn't leave for a while, and the weed stunk the whole room out. He glanced over at his phone, ignoring the notifications and just checking the time. It was only 5 a.m . However, Vance was the type of person to only wake up once. He knew he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, so he crept out of the bed, trying hard not to wake Millie and carefully leaving the room. He went outside, finding a wooden bench to sit on. Because no one was awake yet, it was extremely peaceful, and he enjoyed it. Sometimes, he just liked being alone. He stared at the sun that was beginning to rise, painting the whole sky warm colours such as orange and gold. He closed his eyes, feeling the cold breeze blow against his face and hair. It was times like this when he really appreciated the world for what it is. His attention moves when he hears faint footsteps against the smooth stone ground, slowly approaching.

"Vance?" He opened his eyes again, seeing Bruce staring at him oddly. He was wearing the hoodie Vance had given him the other day. Vance found it funny how big it was on him. It practically swallowed him. He was hugging himself to try and keep warm. Though it wasn't working well as his whole body was shaking.

"Bruce? What're you doing up?" Vance frowned in worry. Bruce looked exhausted. Like he didn't get an ounce of sleep. The black haired boy scoffed.

"I could ask you the same thing." He said, giving a little attitude. Vance shrugged his shoulders.

"Woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep." He explained. Bruce just nodded. He stood there, not saying anything. "Are you going to sit down with me, or are you just going to freeze to death right there?" Vance asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Ok." Bruce sat down. Vance snaked his arm around Bruce's shoulder and pulled his body close to his into a little embrace. "Geez! You're like a human radiator." Bruce exclaimed as he leaned into Vance's touch. The blonde chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, and you're like an ice cube." Bruce hummed in agreement. He was always cold. That's why he liked the summer so much. He rested his head on Vance's shoulder, his eyes growing heavy, causing him to doze off slightly. Vance must've noticed as he started to laugh gently. "You tired?" Bruce pulled his head up, looking at Vance.

"Well, yeah." He frowned. "I was up all night waiting for you." Vance felt a wave of guilt rush over him. Bruce had been worrying about him, and he couldn't even tell him that something was wrong or where he was. He felt horrible.

"I'm sorry." Vance sighed. "I was going through something, and I was just afraid to tell you." He admitted. He felt Bruce's cold hand on top of his.

"You can tell me anything. I'll never judge. I promise." Vance looked up. Bruce looked perfect in that moment. The gold rays from the sun bounced off his eyes, making them practically sparkle, and his silky hair softly blew around in all types of directions due to the wind. Vance felt a warm feeling grow in his heart and couldn't help but smile. He cupped Bruce's face, pulling him into a quick but soft kiss.

"I know." Bruce smiled gently, planting a kiss on Vance's cheek.

"Let's go back to the room." He spoke. "Or I'll die of hypothermia!" Vance laughed a little.

"Oh no. We can't have that." He pulled Bruce up to his feet, his hand resting on Bruce's waist. "Can we princess?" He joked. Bruce rolled his eyes.

"Ok, Rapunzel." They both smirked at each other. They walked back together, hand in hand, and Vance couldn't help but feel loved for the first time. He was happy. And a stupid dream couldn't ruin that.

A/n: yall I know this is a short chapter but I kinda love it 😝 probs won't update for a few days cus I don't know what I'm gunna do yet and I have lots of schoolwork.

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