Chapter 9

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[Diane's POV]

I'm still running away from Tiara, I don't know where I'm going, I just know I'm running and at the same time crying.

I found myself on the school's garden. I sat down on the bench and continued crying.

After some minutes someone sat next to me and tapped me at the back.

"It's alright Di. Cry it out."

I know that voice. I immediately looked at the person who sat beside me.

I cried harder and hugged the person sitting beside me.

"There. There. I'm here to comfort you, Di. And by the way, welcome back. I missed you. We missed you."

"*cries harder* I-I missed you too. I missed all of you but Tiara ruined my mood. I-I hate her! I really hate her!!"

"Shhh... Let your anger go out inside you. Cry it out. I'm here to comfort you."

After some minutes, I'm a bit calm already. I broke the hug and fixed myself.

"You alright now?"

"Yeah. Thanks Toby. I'm glad you're here. I really needed someone to comfort me."

"When did you came back? You did't texted us that you're already here."

"I was supposed to surprise you guys. I just came here 'cause ..... that girl, Tiara texted me to come here. *sigh*"

"I heard your conversation with her."

"Y-you... you did?"

"I was supposed to go outside already but I saw you walking in the hallway. *laughs* At first I thought I was hallucinating, so I decided to follow you. Didn't knew I wasn't hallucinating."

"So you heard it all?"

"Yup. Uhh Di..."

"I knew it. I knew it!! *cries* I'm his best friend. His my best friend. UGH! Love played with me. I hate this feeling Toby. I really hate it!!"

Ugh. I cried again. I hate this. Toby grabbed my arms and hugged me. I just cried in his shoulders. I'm happy that I'm close to Toby. He always comfort me whenever I'm lonely or alone.

"You know what Di, don't mind her. Forget what she said. Don't believe her."

"B-but the voice record, its.. its your brother's voice. I'm sure of it."

"Yeah, it might be my brother's voice but I'm sure he has a reason why he said that right? Believe me Di. *holds Di's hands tight*"

"I don't know Toby. I can feel Riley's serious about it. I knew he only sees me as his BEST FRIEND."

Toby rubbed the tears on my cheeks and kissed me in the forehead.

"Smile Di. Forget about what happened a while ago. Believe me it has a reason."

Why didn't I just fell in love with Toby? He's such a sweet heart. I flashed a weak smile to Toby and hugged him.

"Thank you Toby."

Toby broke the hug first and smiled at me.

"Let's go? I'll walk with you on the way home."


We started to walk and went outside the school.

"Uhh Toby, where's your brothers?"

"They went home. I texted them that I'll be coming home late."

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