Chapter 26

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[Riley's POV]

I thought waking up the next day will be a great day but it didn't turned out that way. Tyler called me and said that Di had an attack and was immediately brought to the hospital. I went there as fast as I could. When I got there, I saw Tyler outside the hospital, I can really say he was really worried. I walked towards him and he suddenly felt my presence.

"Where is she?"
"She's in the emergency room."
"What happened Tyler?"
"She just suddenly had an attack after waking up. She said she couldn't breath and then she fainted."
"Will she be alright? Tyler, please tell me she's gonna be alright."
"I hope she'll be Riley."


We both looked around and saw their mom.

"Oh Riley. You're here. Di was already transferred to a room. The doctor said she's fine now."

We all went together to Di's room. She was sleeping soundly on the bed when we got inside. Tyler sat down on the chair next to Di's bed while I just stood there by his side.

"I'll just buy some foods. You guys watch Di for a while."
"Okay mom."

Mommy M took her bag and went out of the room. I placed my look back to Tyler and Di. Tyler was crying while holding Di's hand.


Tyler started.

"You scared the hell out me back there. I thought you were going to leave us."

He took a deep breath before he kissed Di's hand.

"Just hold on Di. Please don't leave us yet. We're not yet ready."

He started to cry even more.

"Diane. You're my twin sister. Please don't leave me alone in this world. You know how much I need you by my side right now. We weren't able to grow up together so please don't leave me this soon."

He placed his face near to Di's ear like he's going to whisper something to her.

"Please fight Diane. Live with us for a little longer."

He wiped his tears and took a breath. He looked at Di and showed a force smile on his face. He stood up after a while and looked at me.

"It's your turn. Sit down and convince her to keep fighting."

He showed me a weak smile. I just smiled and nodded at him. I sat down at the chair while he stood beside me.

"Hey Di."

I began.

"You heard your brother. Keep fighting. You can't leave us this soon. You're too young to die Di. You still have dreams to accomplish. Please stay with us for a longer time. Fight Di. We're fighting with you so please also fight with us."

I squeezed her hands while looking at her.

"Riley. I'll tell you something but promise me you'll accept everything you'll hear."
"What's that?"
"Promise me first."

I grinned a bit.

"You're just like your sister."
"Well, we are twins anyway. So you promise?"
"Okay. I promise. So what's that?"

Tyler took a deep breath first before starting.

"Remember what I told you the first time you saw me in Florida?
"Di honestly made me do it. You know why?"
"It's because, an agreement was made."
"Yeah. I have a best friend. His name is Brent. He have a sister who died in an accident last year. Before her sister died, she told Brent that she wants to donate her heart to Diane. but their parents didn't want to give his sister's heart just like that. So my parents, and their parents agreed that when Di survives the transplant, Brent and her will get engage."

I don't know what to say or to react on what Tyler said. I just looked at him without any expression on my face.

"That's why Di chose to be friends with you. Because she wants to live longer. And if she lives longer, she'll be able to make more memories with you. She'll be able to accomplish her dreams with you. It's not because she values more about your friendship, well actually she does but, she values more about life. Riley, she wants to live longer for you. Even if she knows that living longer means staying just friends. The important thing for her is that she's alive."

He tapped me at the shoulder and showed me a weak smile.

"But I guess that won't be happening anymore."

I looked at him a bit confused.

"Wha---what do you mean?"
"She was supposed to have her transplant weeks ago but the doctor found out that if they do it, she might die. The doctor said that in her condition now, she won't be able to handle the operation."
"No.. No.. Tell me your kidding."
"Riley. I wish I am but that's the truth. She won't be having a transplant anymore."

I felt something warm dropping from my eyes. That can't be.

"Well I guess you guys can be couples now."
"No. If staying friends with her pro-longs her life then I'll stay friends with her!"

I looked at Di and grabbed her hand.

"If staying friends will pro-long her life then I'll be just friends with her. I don't care if we don't end up together, as long as she's alive and well I'll be contented with that."
"You really love my sister huh?"
"More than you could ever know."

I placed my forehead on to Di's hand and started to cry.

God, why her? Why does it have to be her?

"Riley. Pull yourself together. If Di sees you being weak you know she'll be weaker."

I took a deep breath and tried to my best to be strong.

"Tyler, did the doctor told you on how long she'll be able to live?"
"In her condition, she might live for a year or 2. She's lucky if she lives longer than that."
"That's just really fast."
"Let's just pray and hope for the best that she'll live longer."


[Author's Note]

And yes!! Finally!!! I was able to update this. I really am sorry for the very slow update guys. Don't worry, I'll still be updating this but expect that my updates might be late or very late. What's new to that anyway. T.T Again, I'm really sorry. :(

Hope you guys still like the flow of the story. I'll give you a hint. I won't kill her. :) Or would I? XD Anyway, that's all for now. Bye! ^-^


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