/chapter 2\

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Marine's pov :

I take my tools out of her mouth and push the light away
"Okay you are done ,goodjob!"she jumps up from the dental chair
"Thank you"she says shyly
"Wait i will give you a lift home" i clean everything up ,kiss liam and go with ellie to my car ,we soon get to her home
"Ellie ,do you mind calling mom?"
She nods and goes inaide then a few seconds later i see natalie coming out
"Heyy ,i don't know what kund of magic you did but ive never seen ellie to come so happy from a dental appoiment "
"Yeah she did so good but she has 3 cavities not one ,and you will have to book her another 2 appoiments because for her its mentally impossible to do so much work"
"Okay i will take that in notice,oh wait carson is coming in like 2 hours and he said he wanted to visit you ,maybe you can come over"
"Uh...i dont know ...maybe i will go home to shower and change then i will?"
"Sure as you want" natalie says and closes the car door ,then i quickly drive away to home ,as i get there i run upstairs ,quickly shower and change clothes ,brush my hair and finally head out" and in like 5 minutes i pull in the front of natalie's house and notice ellie skating outside ,her moves were so beautiful

I get out of the car and smile at her
"Heloo!"she says rolling to me
"Ellie you improved so much since last summer"
"Thanks " we walk to the front door and get inside ,i get my sandals off and ellie takes her rollers and thrpws them in a special bag
"Mom i will be upstairs"
"Okay sweety!" I walk over to natalie
"Oh hey when did you get here?"she says smiling
"Like 5 minutes ago,can i help you with anything?"
"Not really im just making dinner and im nearly done " she says cutting some veggies
"Oh ,you still remember michelle from 3rd grade"i ask
"Yeah ,i saw she got married!"
"Yesss she was stunning like...."
Our conversation continued until everything was ready and we went to sit on the couch
"I think i heard a car outside" natalie says and i not then the front door opens and we hear carson yelling
"Ellie!!!"carson yells and in just a second ellie runs from upstairs downstairs ,slips on the floor then gets up and runs into carson's arms
"Whoa girl im not going anywhere"

Carson's pov>

I pick ellie up and go to the livingroom couch,i saw mom and marine?  I hugged them both with ellie still in my arms
"How have you been?" I ask ellie
"You lost so much fun!i got accepted for juniors in fall"
"Good job " i try to say suportively,but i was very tired from the long way
"Carson" ellie asks
"Yes bug?"
"I want to show you something " she got up and we both went downstairs in my room
"Lay on the bed" she orders in a stern mode
"Okay okay " i lay down and she jumps in bed with me and huggs me guoding my hand to hug her
"Ahh you smart bug"
"I wasn't comfortable there"
"Its alright princess "i gently rub her head
"Oh i got my first ever filling!"
"Really!?show me " she opens her mouth and points at a molar
"Good job bug"i laugh
"Will you ever stop calling me bug?you cockroach!"
We both laugh so hard that mum opened the door
"What's going on?" I wipe my tears
"Oh nothing"ellie says still smiling
"Marine left ,we gotta talk" mom says
"Oh yeah the italy trip ,i will take ellie with me "
"Oh okay then friday i will go"

Mom left and i hugged ellie tight
"If you knew how much i missed you"
"I missed you very much" she declares
Then adds
"Oh and liam ,your mate wants to meet you"
I look at her then at the window at her back
"I don't think we will have time ,maybe next time ,you're excited to come at my house "
"Im coming to your house!?but that's like 800kilometers away "
"We will go with my car don't you worry about that"i say and end the conversation

The rest of the week went smooth and quick ,we went ice skating with ellie and visited my old coach ,i was a figure skater too until the age of 17 when i won the olympics and retired for college ,friday finally came and ellie was packing her things and i go upstairs in her room
"Ready bug?"
"Yes cockroachie"
"Heyy!!you come here" i started to chase after her and when i catched her i jumped with her in the bed ,we both laughed
"Okay we should get the suitcases in the car" she nods and we both take thr luggage and get it to the car ,soon after about 40 minutes we get outside to say our goodbyes
"Bye mom !" Ellie says extra happy, i hug her
"We will miss you ,don't forget to leave a text when you can",we hop in the car and began our journey of 800 km
"Carson...how are you going to pay the bills,i fon't want to be a burden "
"Ellie ,don't worry ,i own a dental clinic and work ,"
"Okay..."she says in a worried tone
"Hey ,its a secret only between us,i acctually make a lot of money ,like 70k per month" i kind of regret telling her this ,but she needed to know
"I don't want to seem like im spending your money but can we get cotton candy" i looked shocked at her request
"Baby you know that's pure sugar? Plus marine said you have to get two more fillings"
"No carson they aren't with cavities they are colored from hot chocolate,pleasee i never had the oportunity to try it"
I sigh and nod
"But in one condition!"
"You have to let me give you a check up and a cleaning" i smirk thinking it will change her mind
"What the hell!!, no way!"
"Then no cottoncandy" she looks out the windowthen back at me
"Ugh fine!! If that means i can get cotton candy so be it!"
I smile and after 20 minutes of driving i pull in the parking area from the supermarket  at the beginning of the town where I live ,
"Okay so from here we have about 5 more hours wich mean we will get home by 10 pm"
We get out of the car to the supermarket and i bought some sandwiches ,fruits and food to get home and ellie got a pack of cotton candy wich i wasn't very happy about ,i paid and we went to the car placing the groceries on the backseats
"Thank you!"she says in a happy tone

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