Part 2 Chapter 23: Spot

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"Why are you screaming? Did you forget to pay for the trip or something?" Anthony asked me.

"Yeah...something like that. Do you mind if I borrow your phone?"

He shook his head and handed it over to me. I go up to take a call outside.

"Hello, passcode." the voice on the other line spoke.

"22," I answered looking down on the ground.

"What can I do for you 22?"

"I need to make a transfer to a phone number."

"No problem. What is the amount you are looking to transfer."

"5 grand, by today at the latest."

"Transfering now, anything else I can do for you."

"No, that's all, thank you," I said, hanging up the phone.

I walked into the restaurant still paranoid that Ahati would follow me. I knew that a storm was coming but I would just have to avoid everyone until the France Trip. Only a few more days.

"Who did you call?" Anthony asked me as I sat back down with him in the booth.

"My cousin," I said.

The waitress brought out our food and though I was hungry, I could only pick at it. Taking small bites, but trust me had it been just me and the food, it would have all been gone within minutes.

"I should probably tell you before you find out from someone else," Anthony said, causing me to look him in the eyes.

"What?" I said with curiosity.

"Someone said, last night...that you. You weren't there at the banquet because you went off with the new guy."

"What?" I said with disbelief in my voice.

"It's because of how he was looking at you during class."

"How was he looking at me?" I asked.

"Well, and these are not my words but...he looks like he has been looking for her all his life and is planning to take her away."

I busted out laughing, "is that how he was looking at me?"

"According to the girls, that's how he was looking at you."

"That's funny. I would say that it's more like he is planning to take me away to kill me."

"So you do know him," Anthony said more as a statement than a question.

"No," I said quietly.

"I thought you were a good liar."

"I'm a great liar," I said confidently.

"Not if I could figure out that you do know him."

"I'm not lying, I never met him before in this lifetime."

"Sure, sure, sure," Anthony said taking in a big bite of food.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure Emerald, go ahead."

"What is your relationship with Katrina? Are you guys dating or are you just friends?"

"Why do you ask? You're interested in dating me."

"Hahaha. Oh no, definitely not. It has more to do with her behavior towards me."

"What do you mean?"

"Can I be honest Anthony?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

"When we walk out of class together or when we talk, or when we do anything together, she takes it out on me. Which even if you guys are dating seems like overkill but if you're not even dating, it's just her being plain evil."

"We're not dating...but we're also not, not dating."

"That's what I figured it would be. That being said, I should get going. Thanks for everything, I'll pay you back on Monday when I see you."

I got up and made my way out of the restaurant, looking one more time up at the sky to make sure that I hadn't been found yet. It was still dark but not enough to bother me walking out alone. I got into my car and made my way to my favorite getaway spot. It was only a 3-minute drive from where I currently was.

The dark added more to the charm that my spot created. Funny enough this spot was next to an elementary school, despite the noise that would come from here on regular weekdays, on a Saturday morning, it was perfect. I parked my car and headed to the hidden paradise on the side of the school. There was a dwell that carried out water in between the school and my spot, so it added to the sounds of waves crashing. I got out of my car and walked through the bits of overgrown grass and out-of-place trees that resembled a forest.

There was no forest though, just a bad tamed park. The bits of forest sat out in the open, all except for one. I went for that one, I walked through the patches of forest and made my way to the back, where rows of grown-out bushes made walls and I went to sit and hide behind them. I sat on the grass, still a little wet from the last night's sprinkle.

Around me were blooming flowers and some fallen petals, the bushes made out a room and I felt comfortable knowing that looking up I saw not the sky, but trees. I chose to lie down and put my hand up to the sky, activating my power. My hand glowed in a bright red with a sparkle around it, much like Monica's looked when she held it out of her hand.

There were only three colors that would glow when we activated our powers, red, blue, and yellow. For the Red House, Blue House, and for Sa who was not part of either house.

I put my hand in a fist and then spread out my fingers, over and over I did this. Just examining how my powers had caused my hand to move. I didn't control it, it controlled me. I closed my eyes for a bit thinking that I would not fall asleep given that I had already slept for 8 hours but I was wrong.

When I opened my eyes, the sun was up, I figured it was around 7 or 8 am. I wanted to stay there longer but there were already people nearby that I could hear going out on their money walks I assumed. I got up and was ready to make my way out of the maze but the closer the voices got the louder my heart began to beat.

"Are you sure she's even here?" a condescending voice asked.

"That's what they said," an annoyed voice answered.

They were looking for me. I recognized the first voice, Jrt...Fabiola, but the second one I didn't recognize right away. It took some time but I figured it was Mui or Zoey. As Ahati had said, Sheshen and Mui, or Adrein and Zoey had missed the initial Mass.

The only exit out was through where their voices were coming from and if I cut through the makeshift walls, it would give off where I was heading. With no other choice though I cut through the wall and made my way around the patch of forest. I walked quietly, trying not to draw too much attention to myself.

I managed to make it to the pavement and looked back one more time into the patches of forest until I bumped into someone. When I looked up, I was worried, not for me anymore, but for the person who would die because of me.

"What are you doing here Anthony?"

"I was worried about you so I wanted to make sure you went home okay but you came here and..."


My body froze. I didn't know whether to run or stay still, its eyes were on me now.

"You need to go, Anthony, you need to go right now," I said firmly.

"What, why? Are you okay?"

"Anthony I'm saying this for your own good, GO RIGHT NOW!"

The cat meowed even louder, and without thinking I placed my hand over its head, my hand glowed, and down went the cat, in a few seconds.

"Found you," said a male voice.

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