48.Sleep paradise.

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They asked me, "Why do I sleep so much?"
I stood still and said,
Cause in my dreams I am free.
Free to do whatever my heart wants.
With no rules to follow and no one to see.

Where I don't have to maintain any social tradition or follow the rule book.
Where I am free to follow my heart,
And walk down with a bold look.

It is where no one will criticise me for my actions or will blame me.
It is where I am free of all burdens, with no ruler to command me.

In my dream, I can fail over and over again,
Yet I will stay the same.
No one to scold me for my failures,
But accept my trial and errors.

In my dream world, I can go back in time,
To relive the experience of past.
Where I was truly happy,
Making the memories last.

It is where I can change all realities of pain,
Removing moments of hurt.
I can be the happiest of them all,
Fixing problems of my heart.

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