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I wish I could restart the phase,
Setting up the wrongdoing in ablaze.
Deleting some people from my life,
While i heal and get to thrive.

The toxic nature of them all,
Has long been pushing me into the thrall.
My head is growling in slow pain,
Throwing my will into the drain.

I can't take this headache, no more,
Its time to show them the backdoor.
I saw them crawling behind my back.
Waiting for their time,
And opportunity to attack.

But still, I chose to let them go,
Hoping, that they will reverse their flow.
Perhaps I was wrong,
Or my will to hope, was just too strong.

I was kind to let you in,
Yet you stabbed me behind my back.
Faced with the irony as it is now,
Gonna put myself back on the track.

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