Tomorrow, My Place

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The restaurant Yoongi took you to was very exclusive. The atmosphere was one of privacy and romance. You feel your heart tremble, never expecting Yoongi to bring you to a place like this. Jimin, sure, but Yoongi? You are at a loss as your trepidation and excitement war within your mind.

He subtly guides you with his warm hand on your back as you follow behind the maître d'. You can barely breathe as his hand is skimming your lower back as you walk.

The Maître d' leads you to a table for two, nestled in its own secluded area. The high sides of the perimeter around each table create an intimate space bathed in the romantic glow of candlelight, sparkling glasses, and silverware.

The Maître d' gestures for you to enter, and Yoongi, still with his hand barely touching your lower back, moves to pull the chair out for you. He then takes your sweater and hangs it on the back of your chair.

Once settled at the table, a server approaches with a warm, welcoming smile. "Good evening. I'm Aaron, and I will be your server tonight.  Would you like to start the night with a wine or other beverage?"

Yoongi looks at you and asks, "What would you like, Lanne?"

You smile and look at the server. Your smile leaves when you see he is staring at your cleavage, "I would love a glass of white wine, please." You quickly look away. Seeing your blush, the server smiles and turns to Yoongi, "And you, sir?"

Not breaking his eye contact with yours, he says, "The same. Thank you." He wonders what made you blush.

The server leaves behind two leather-bound menus with gold leaf lettering on the cover. You quickly open the menu to partially hide your blush due to the server's unwanted attention and being in such a high posh restaurant. You have been to exclusive, expensive restaurants, but nothing like this.

Yoongi breaks his stare and opens his menu, perusing the lists. Unknown to both of you, you keep stealing glances at the other.

The server returns with a chilled bottle of wine and pours a small tasting sip into Yoongi's glass. His eyes drift to you, and he quickly winks.

Yoongi lifts his glass, closing his eyes as he inhales the aroma of the wine, swirling it in his glass before taking a small sip. You watch as he swirls his tongue against his cheeks. He looks up at the server. "Mm, yes, this will do fine. Thank you."

The server then proceeds to pour wine into your glasses. He came around to pour wine into your glass first, and as he leaned forward, his arm slightly brushed your shoulder and inhaled under his breath, saying, "Mm, you smell nice."

Sensing he has been caught out checking your cleavage, he rapidly stands after filling your glass and sits the bottle on the table, "Are you ready to order, or would you like a few more minutes?"

Your eyes meet Yoongi's across the table, and you smile with a slight nod. He looks at the server, "Yes, we're ready."

The server turns to take your order first, "What would you like, my lady?" 

You feel uncomfortable with the way he said, 'My lady.' Any other time, it would have seemed as if this was a Regency romance novel being called 'My Lady' if it was anyone else but him. 

You glance at Yoongi. 'Wait, is he glaring at the server? Did he see what happened?' as quickly as the glare appeared, it was gone.

You give your order, and then Yoongi follows, giving his. 

 The server, standing in his over-correct posture and looking down his nose at you, says, "Excellent choices. As soon as the chef has created your dishes, I will bring them post haste." He turns and walks away. You can feel his sense of self-importance pouring off of him. Brushing off his actions, you try to see the humor in his fake finesse'.

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