We Kissed

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You knew La was your dearest and best friend, but Lil' Suga was very important to her. She named the car after the term of endearment her Grandmother always used when she was little and spent every summer with her. When she arrives at her grandmother's, she always holds her arms out and says to Lanne, 'Come and give your granny a lil' suga'. When her Grandmother passed away, you were there to help La through the hurt.

 When her Grandmother passed away, you were there to help La through the hurt

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"Emily?" You ask, encouraging her to continue.

"Oh, um. We kissed and snuggled close on the bench, watching the ducks, and then we decided to get ice cream. Did you know he doesn't like mint chocolate ice cream? I don't like it now either, so you can have the rest of mine in the freezer."

"Em, what happened?" Hearing her heavy sigh of resignation, you wait for her answer, afraid of what it would be.

"We were going through the intersection . . . please don't be mad at me. A car ran the red light and hit us."

"Oh my gosh, are you and Namjoon okay!?"

"We both went to the hospital. We're fine, but um, Lil' Suga took the brunt of the hit."

"Are you sure you and Namjoon are alright? No injuries?"

"We're fine; we just have seatbelt bruises; they saved our lives. But Lil' Suga wasn't so lucky."

"How bad is it, Em?" Hearing Emily start to cry wasn't a good sign.

"Um, well, they, the tow truck man, um, he said the car was totaled." Crying, Em apologizes, "I'm so sorry, Lanne, I'm so sorry."

"Emily, calm down. I'm just so thankful you and Namjoon are alright. I can always get another car."

Sobbing over the phone, she says, "But La, you can never get another one like Lil' Suga!" 

"It's ok. I'm not worried about the car as long as you two are okay; really, I'm not mad at you."

"You're not mad at me?" You hear her sniffle.

"Of course not silly. You didn't run the red light."

A sigh of relief is heard. "Thank you, Lala. I was so scared you would be mad at me forever." 

"Do you need me to come pick you up? Are you at the hospital?" 

You still have the company car, you can take that, but first, you have to catch a bus or take an Uber to the shop.

"Yoongi said he would come and pick us up from the hospital."

"So is he dropping you off first, then Namjoon, or what?"

"Oh, we are almost there now."

"Almost where? HERE!?"

"Yeah." Hearing a lot of rustling causes Em to wonder what in the world you are doing.

Unknown to her, you are doing what you call the 'flight of the bumble bee' house clean up. As you rush past a mirror, you squeal in terror.

"Lanne, are you okay, kay?"

"Ugh, stall them. I was asleep when you called. I need to get changed. My hair is a mess, and I need to straighten up the place!"

"Calm down, Lala. It's only Joonnie and me." 

You hear giggling.

"But you said Yoongi was bringing you."

"Yeah, but I didn't say he was, was, com in,  coming in."

"But what if he does!? Call me before you pull up outside." 

With that, the call suddenly ends. "Em? Em!?"

'Did she just hang up on me!?' you look at the screen, and it confirms the call has ended. Why was Em talking so weird?

You rush around the house, clearing the living room table of fashion and car magazines. You plump the pillows on the couch and rush back to your room to do your hair and make-up. You jump over the busy roomba. 'I should get two more just for emergencies like this!'

Expecting Yoongi to come in with them, you are desperate not to look like you have just woken up.

Looking briefly in the bathroom mirror, you can't help but utter, "Ugh!"

After changing and fixing your hair and make-up, you're waiting in the living room, the whole place tidied up, and you're dressed for company, hoping to see Yoongi. 

More than an hour has passed. You start to worry, where are they? You hear the front door opening as you reach for the cell phone.

Biting your lips to give them a little boost of plumpness, you walk towards the door. It's Em and Ki. You glance behind them, confused.

"Where is Namjoon and Yoongi?"

You take Em into a hug and pat her back before pulling away. "Are you okay?"

"Yesh, just a little bluused."

You notice Em's speech is off, and she looks very sleepy. Glancing at Ki, you ask, "Is Em okay?"

He closes the door behind him. Admittedly, you are disappointed Yoongi isn't here.

"Emily and Namjoon were given pain medicine for their minor injuries. The seatbelts saved their lives but left them with some painful bruising.  They were on their way here when Namjoon started complaining of not feeling well. He said his head was spinning, and Yoongi took him home, so I brought Emily home."

"Come in and have a seat on the couch while I put Em to bed. Thank you for bringing her home."

He goes to sit on the couch, "No problem, I'm just glad I could help."

"I'll be back in a few minutes."

"I'm fine. Take care of Emily. You and I need to have a talk anyway."

Frowning, you walk a slurring giggly Em to her bedroom, wondering what Ki wants to talk about.

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