Yoongi And Lanne

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Earlier after leaving Lanne's apartment, Yoongi gets in his car and calls Ki

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Earlier after leaving Lanne's apartment, Yoongi gets in his car and calls Ki. He keeps the phone on speaker as he pulls out into traffic, heading home.

"Yoongi, how did it go?" Ki's voice sounds optimistic.

"I asked her for dinner tonight, and she said yes."

"That is awesome! I'm happy that worked out."

"What are the others going to think? I mean, I'm dating a pet sitter."

"Technically, you aren't dating anyone...yet. And what do you mean by 'what will the guys think'? Jimin wanted to ask Lanne out, but he saw she only had eyes for you, so he backed off."

"He did?" 

Ki can hear Yoongi's unbelief in his tone of voice.

"Yes, he did. Oh, and don't forget, Namjoon has officially lost his heart to a pet sitter, as you call them. Emily and Namjoon couldn't be more suited for each other than if a higher power designed it."

Feeling justly chastised, Yoongi apologizes. "I'm sorry, Ki. I didn't mean it like it came out. Ugh, why do I mess things up when it comes to love!?"

"Love, did you just say love?" Ki softly chuckles. "You're in love with Lanne already? Min Yoongi, in love, that is something to see."

"I'm not sure, maybe. I don't know, Ki. I want more with Lanne, but we leave on tour in a few days and, and I don't think it's fair to her to start something then leave."

Ki understands Yoongi's hesitation. He had fallen in love before, only to have it end badly due to company schedules. 

"Yoongi, you have asked a young, beautiful owner of a GLOBAL company out to dinner. You both are well suited. You both have jobs that involve GLOBAL travel." 

Ki is hoping Yoongi picks up on the hint that Lanne's company is global, and she can choose to go anywhere, maybe even where they will be, for the short concert tour that is coming up. Ki waits patiently for a response from Yoongi.

"Yeah, she could if she wanted to, that is. I'm so . . . discombobulated and--"

"Discombobulated? Where did that word come from?" Ki chuckles.

He hears Yoongi's machine gun laugh. "It's a word Taehyung discovered and uses every chance he gets lately. He says it makes him laugh."

Briefly, Ki and Yoongi laugh over the cuteness of Taehyung and some of the silly words he has made up and agree that discombobulated sounds like one he would do. Then Ki turns the subject back to Lanne and Yoongi.

"So, where are you taking Lanne tonight? Do you need me to set up any reservations?"

"I plan on taking her to a little place just on the outskirts of Seoul. Jimin told me about it. Suggested it would be a more secluded restaurant for a date with Lanne than what we would find in the city."

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