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You tilt your head, wondering why he is looking at you like he is, as his voice becomes deeper, more raspy. 'I hope he's not catching a cold. I will grab the small blanket off the couch and bring it out for him.'

You get up, and this time he doesn't stop you.

"Do you want me to help with the cake?" he asks, getting up with you.

"I will cut some cake if you bring the little blanket from the couch out, and we can eat cake on the balcony."

"Sounds great." He watches you limping to the kitchen as he grabs the blanket from the back of your couch. 'She's hurting, her limping is getting worse.'

He hurries, puts the blanket on the glider, and then rushes back to you. "Here, let me take those plates." He smiles as he takes the plates of cake from your hands.

"Thank you. Would you like something to drink?" you ask, ready to return to the kitchen.

"Sure, water would be great, but I will get it. Don't think I haven't noticed you're hurting Emily." You limp behind him as he carries the cake plates outside and sits them on the small table beside the glider.

"Sit, I'll be right back." He returns with two bottles of water and sits them on the little table. Then he pulls it in front of you before sitting on the glider.

You quietly enjoy birthday cake together when Namjoon seems to be thinking hard about something. You had told him how sweet the cake was and that you liked it, but he didn't say anything.

"Jooni, what's wrong? Don't you like the cake?"

His expression becomes serious, "Emily, I know you're in pain. Why haven't you taken any of the pain medicine the doctor gave you?"

"I didn't want to take any while you're here." You hang your head, a little embarrassed.

"Why ever not?" he asks, confused, not sure why you would choose to be in pain when with him.

"Ever since I can remember, one of the side effects from pain medicine is I get giggly. I'm not a giggly kind of girl. It makes me silly."

He chuckles at you. You whack him on the shoulder. "It's not funny!"

"I wasn't laughing because I thought it was funny. I was laughing because you are so freaking adorable. I never met a girl who didn't like to giggle . . . a lot."

He gestures for you to move closer as he holds the blanket up to cover you both. But he stops you when he sees the grimace of pain on your face.

"Emily, where is your pain medicine? I want you to take one, please. It hurts me knowing you are in pain, and because of me, you won't take anything."

You have to admit the pain is ruining the romantic feel of the home date. Several times, you almost cried, but you fought the tears back. You don't think you can handle much more. You want to take a pain pill, but you don't want Jooni to leave, yet you can't have him see you being all silly and giggly, either. 'I don't want him to go.'

You made a decision, "Okay. I will take one." You start to get up but grab your knee. "Owe! Never mind, I will just stay right here. The pain will ease up, I'm sure."

"Emily, where is your pain medicine?"

You don't answer, even though you know it would help.

"Em, I can't stay here watching you suffer in so much pain. Let me call La and have her come home so you can take something. Please, I can't stand seeing you hurting. Let her come home, and I will leave, okay?"

"No, don't. I don't want you to leave." You hold onto his arm, preventing him from going. "Please, Jooni, stay with me."

"Not if you are going to suffer. I can't let you do that."

Sighing, you give in, "Okay, but you will stay with me if I take one, right? No matter how silly I might get?"

"Yes, of course, as long as you need me." He hugs you, smiling. "Where is your medicine? I'll go get it."

'What if I need you forever?' You want to say those words, but hold back.

"It's on my bedside table."

He rises while making sure you stay covered under the blanket. "I'll be right back."

He enters your room quickly, looking around. He sees a habitat in the corner of the room and goes to take a look. 'I thought she didn't have any pets.'

He spots them, three hermit crabs. He begins to smile, and his dimples show, not that the crabs care, but he can't help it.

"Wow, the little shells they use as a home are painted." He leans in for a closer look. "They are beauti . . . wait, what!?" He starts to chuckle.

On their happy-painted shells are their names, Kim, Nam, and Joon. "Oh my god, that is so cute! But I understand why she lied." He keeps smiling, "She just didn't want me to know she named them after me. I love it. . . . I, I love her."

Having admitted that to himself, he hurries to get your pain medicine. He talks to himself as he leaves the room. "I love her. I am in love with Emily." It may be raining outside, but inside, he feels full of sunshine, "I'm in love." A gorgeous, dimpled smile breaks across his face.

The storm that had chased off all the beachgoers earlier seemed to plan to stay the night. Namjoon reaches Emily at the glider and hands her the pain medicine and her bottle of water.

"Here you are, Sweetheart."

You look up at him as he smiles down at you, holding out his hand. You ask, "Did you take one of my pain pills?"

"No, why would you ask?" He frowned, wondering why you thought he would take one.

"Because you are being silly."

"What? How am I being silly?"

"You just called me sweetheart." You pop the pill in your mouth and swallow it down with water before handing the bottle back to Jooni.

He grins, he wasn't aware he had called you sweetheart, but it's how he feels. He snuggles back under the blanket with you as you watch the rain falling on the city. He pulls you a little closer to him. He feels the temperature has dropped some, and he doesn't want you to catch a cold on top of already being injured. You listen to the rain in companionable silence and observe the city in all its nightly splendor.

After a while, Namjoon breaks the silence.

"You were right; it is beautiful here at night, and the rain enhances just how beautiful the city is. I'm glad you suggested we sit out here."

You softly giggle. He smiles, "What are you giggling at?"

He leans his head down to see your face. He chuckles. You are giggling in your sleep. He pulls you onto his lap, tucking the blanket around you both more snugly to keep warm. He whispers as you giggle again, "I love you, Sweetheart."

The wind started picking up, and rain blew onto the balcony. Namjoon lifts you in his arms and, carries you inside your apartment, and lays you gently on the couch. He returns and brings in the things from the balcony to keep the wind from throwing them around.

He stands next to the couch, watching your chest slowly rise and fall in deep sleep. Caught by surprise, he almost burst out laughing when you giggle again in your sleep.

He sits next to you and pulls you beside him, bringing the blanket with you. He stretches his full length on his side and draws your body against his. With you secure in his arms, he drifts off to sleep.

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