Women of Roses

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Women and roses are one of the same; nurtured by the same sun, born of the same soil, and picked for our delicate beauty.

Like the rose, women are too often only chosen for their beauty—not the care required to nurture them, nor the strength within to grow in even the harshest of conditions.

Too often, men are mistaking our thorns for mere decorations rather than the stinging shield of protection we grow out of necessity, to protect the tenderness within from a world intent on confusing love with possession, and admiration with entitlement.

Nonetheless, we continue to bloom. We emerge from the soil time and again, our beauty renewed, our spirits unbroken.

Every thorn a reminder we are not to be handled carelessly, that beneath our soft beauty lies a strength born from survival—a resilience that no man, no matter how careless, can ever truly destroy.

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