17- Revelations

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Summary: Sugar, spice, and nothing nice. Something is hidden. Something lost will be found.

After we had departed from the Kaufmo's little funeral service, we walked to our rooms, leaving Pomni and I to walk the furthest.

"Rest well, Poms. We probably have another big adventure planned for tomorrow. You'll need the brain energy," I tried to smile at the jester, who still seemed slightly shaken up.

"R-right. Uh...S-Sugar?" her voice asked quietly.

I turned around to look back at the short girl. "Yeah?"

"How long have you...been here?"

I paused. Looking at the floor, I realized I've been here longer than I thought. It had to be months, right? Years? I had always based time on when we had breakfast and when we had dinner, and I could only assume that they were their respective distances apart. But were they?

I shook myself out of my trance. "I'm not sure, Pomni, but- it's been a while. Listen...it's truly not as bad as you think. Sure, we've had two adventures in a row that didn't go...quite as planned, but you'll get used to it. Please, if you ever need someone to talk to, to vent to, to cry to- I'm right across the hall. I couldn't bear losing another one of my friends to their own heads. Okay?"

Pomni seemed surprised at my sudden offer, but nodded her head regardless.

"Okay. G-good night, Sugar."

"Good night, Pomni."


I couldn't sleep. Not when my mind was constantly on the subject of Jax's absence at Kaufmo's funeral.

I knew he was ass sometimes, but was he really prideful enough to skip a funeral service so no one saw him crying? That didn't sound like my Jax, but it sounded like the outside Jax.

I feel like he's slowly reverting back to his old self. The one that was prideful, selfish, and crude.

But maybe that was the real Jax. Maybe the one he showed me was to throw me off course. Maybe I was getting too close to him. So he pulled me in closer to be able to push me away further.

But this was Jax. Was he really that conniving?

Yes. I definitely think he could be. He has a smart brain that he uses for all the wrong reasons.

"I'm 24."

My eyes widened.

Why did I say that?

How did I know that?

The thought had never even occurred to me that I didn't know how old I was.

But I guess now I know?

But why? Why was it so sudden? Is something changing? Was Caine the one who took away our memories of our past lives? But why did I come to this sudden revelation?

"What the fuck?" My hands quickly cover my mouth.




I slowly stood up and looked in my mirror.

The reflection that stared back at me wasn't my own, but the image of a tall woman with long, pulled back honey brown hair, green eyes, and freckles. Paint stains littered her frumpy white overalls and she held not a pillow in her hand, but a canvas painting.

The girl in the painting didn't look happy, but she looked like me.

My breath quickened as I held onto my chest.

Voices. There were voices now.

"Darling, come home! Wake up!"

"Please, we need you!"

"First him, now you!? Wake up!"



"Sage, Wake up!"


My eyes were opened.

I was back in my room, tears streaming down my face and my body warm and sweaty. I ran to the mirror, only to see the dead eyed, green haired, pink skinned avatar that took the place of what was my real body.

What was that? Who was Sage?

But I looked up. On my wall, scrawled in large, red letters-

Sometimes death is better.

That was not my handwriting. But I know whose it is.



Cliffhangers, teehee. What happened? Put your predictions and guesses on who those voices were here. And who wrote the message on your walls?

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