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Lucas pov

After school, I headed straight for the locker room to get changed for soccer practice. I opened my locker and got my cleats and everything. I pulled off my shirt and reached for my jersey. Henry snuck up behind me and startled me.
"Pumped up for practice?" He said excitedly. " I haven't touched a soccer in a week, I'm ready to get back out there!"
"Jeez, man? You startled me," I shook "yah, I'm ready to kick some ass out there! I mean we have a game on Wednesday so I gotta be!"
"Let's get out there," Henry slapped my back and motioned to leave the locker room.
"I'll be out in a sec!" I assured. As I was putting on my cleats, max briefly stopped in front of me. He gave me a punk-ish smile and shook his head with a slight chuckled. I was ganna get out there and show him who's boss.

We were warming up on the field with some shots on goal. I saw Noah walking up the bleachers to watch me.
I left the line and said "I'm getting some water coach."
"Psst! Sure you are! Hurry up over there," he chuckled to himself while writing in his clipboard.
I smiled at coach and jogged over to Noah.
"Noah! Wasn't expecting to see you here! Are you Ganna watch me play or did you just come to say hi?" I asked.
"I'm Ganna watch you play but it doesn't hurt to give a proper hello every once and awhile," she smirked and gave me a kiss.
"Ramirez?!" Coach hollered.
I backed away slowly and gave a wink "we can finish that later," I bit my lips.

The soccer team was scrimmaging. I played left wing. Stupid Max was playing striker on MY team. He wouldn't pass to me! The goalie punted the ball in the Air and Peter took control of it. He then passed it to max, but you see, Max was being a ball hog. AND he was making me look bad. If he ever passed it to me it would be at the absolute most impossible time. Although, during one play I managed to get control of the ball and ripped the ball through the net. That's when max got super angry. The next goal was scored by him. My teammates were cheering. I just headed back toward center.
"Great boys! That's good for today," coach yelled while everyone was jogging off the field.
Suddenly, I was knocked down. I crouched on the floor trying to stand and looked up. It was max standing there and laughing at me.
"What's your problem, man?! You're a fucking dirt bag!" I complained.
Max stopped his pathetic laughing. He fired up and spit in my direction. Ew. I stood up. Max came closer to me and pushed my shoulder with his hand. "What did you just say to me?" Max questioned.
I wiped his nasty spit off my face. I looked over to Noah, who I noticed got closer to the field and looked at me with worry.
"You heard me, asshole!" I mocked.
Max started it.... The fight. He just rushed over and attacked me. I wasn't afraid. He got a hold of me but I got loose and started punishing him in the face. He did the same. Henry and Peter tried to break us up. I was held back, but Henry was having trouble holding max back. He was out of control with rage... And a black eye. That's when dearest Noah came along and slapped him across the face. She had a very threatening look in her eye.
"Do you want to try me? Or do you want to calm the fuck down?" She hissed.
Max at the time was holding in a lot of his anger but managed to say "you got bigger balls then your pretty boy boyfriend over here!" He growled. There was some oooing from the boys on the team. She just faintly smiled and got in his face.
"Funny, because you can't even grow a pair! If I were you, I'd get out of my boyfriends face and leave site. Why? You're a pathetic little piece of shit with no real friends and anger issues!" She sassed.
He squinted his eyes giving me a look of hatred. He shoved out of Henry's hold and stomped off the field.
The boys were giving her high fives because there aren't many people that stand up to him. I smirked at how much she has changed since I first knocked on her door and tumbled into her life. She turned around at me. We walked and met each other half way.
"Well well! Where did that come from?" I smirked.
"I don't know!" She said surprised at herself.
"The shy you was cute, but this new confident Noah is really sexy," I licked my lips.
"It's working for me ehh?" She giggled.
"Hell yah, I like it! Now? I do remember there was something that I got interrupted doing," I smiled. I kissed her.
"Ugh, you're all sweaty!" She joked.
"You love me." I said.
"Yah right! In your dreams!" She laughed.
"This is a dream, baby!" I ripped off my shirt and started chasing her, trying to give her a big sweaty hug. She screamed and started running. I caught her eventually, of course!
She laughed helplessly as I grabbed her in for a tight unescapable hug. She screamed and we laughed. I dropped her on her feet and held her hand. I smirked "wanna get out of here?"
"Under one condition," she teased. I see where this was going. I blushed all red. "What?" I clenched.
"Kiss me...kiss me and I'll give you everything you want," she smiled beautifully.
I chuckled "hey, great line, where did you get it from?" I said concededly.
She lightly shoved my arm "silly!" She continued "it was just some nobody!"
I pretended to act offended "whaaa? I'm a nobody? Guess who's not getting a kiss from me?" I teased and shunned her.
"Guess who isn't getting everything they want?" She yelled in the distance laughing as she started running toward my car. I chased her to the car and stopped her from opening the door. She turned around and was stuck. My arms blockers her from escape. I looked in her eyes and then at her wonderful smile, those lips... I kissed her.
"The genie has risen from her bottle any thing you want is yours," she goofed.
I smirked at her "I have everything I want right here!" I let her out with an opening of my left arm. She was making her away around to the other side of the car. I checked her out "I mean with an ass like that, a guy should never complain." she turned around and rolled her eyes "your'e so stupid!" She laughed.

I drove up to her driveway. I reached for her bag to help take inside but she insisted that she didn't even want to go home yet. I took her inside my house and instead. My mom was cooking dinner.
"Oh hello Noah, you seem to be popping up around here more often," my mother said.
"Well, you have a lovely home..." Noah kissed her ass. She finished her sentence whispered at me "... And a lovely son, too." She smiled as she put her arms around me. I took my free hand and out it over ur shoulder and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"Oh how sweet! Care to join us for dinner?" My mom asked. "Of course Mrs. Ramirez," Noah answered. We went in the hallway and in to my room. She got comfy laying in her belly in my bed and opened up her backpack. She got out her homework and laptop. "Make yourself at home," I unnecessarily said.
I squeezed into a comfy cushion, laying my head on her butt. I went on my social media while she did her homework.
"Do your homework or I'll crush you," she giggled while punching my arm.
"Oww, jeez! I do my homework in school! You know that? OWW!" I said. Where did she learn to punch like that. Soreness came in and out of my arm at random times.

"EL CHÍCHARO? ARCA? La comida lista!" My mom called. I laughed to myself at Noah's new nickname. Noah heard my mom yell in Spanish and looked confused.
I laughed " dinner is ready!"
We walked down stairs where I saw my dad just walking in.
My mom and I greeted my father. My father greeted Noah with a hand shake.
He wasn't really into the Spanish greeting thing. "You staying for dinner? We're having my wife's famous rice and beans!" My dad offered. Noah shook her head because she was already invited to stay.

We all ate at the table and at moments there was momentary silence.
"So are you guys like dating?" My mom asked. I gave her a look. I mean really? She could of asked me any other time, but no she had to embarrass me. She blushed.
"Yah? Why?" I wondered.
"You guys are neighbors what if you break up?" My dad added.
I looked back at Noah and said to my parents "we don't really plan on breakup anytime soon?" I sassed.
"We have gotten in to a fight before and it didn't make a difference where we lived. We just kept are distance," Noah pointed out. I sided her.
"Our relationship has gotten pretty strong since then," I said while looking deeply into Noah's eyes. I turned back to my parents.
"Are you guys having sex?" My mom interrogated growing angry and ashamed.
"Qué demonios? Mom! Can you not? Coño! I'm taking her home right now!" I said angrily embarrassed.
Noah looked confused and startled. I walked her home and went back inside to deal with what just happened .

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