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Allen was coming over my house today. I promised him that today, Saturday, I would spend all day with my best friend.
We were down stairs in the basement, he was attempting to play my violin.
"I feel so much relief," I said. I recalled how last night I was down here with Lucas.
"why," he wondered innocently.
"Last night I was with Lucas..." I began but he interrupted.
" please don't finish your sentence if you're going to say what I think you are going to say," he squeezed his eyes shut and folded his hands together begging me.
"Allen! no!... I brought Lucas down here and shared my music with him and I told him everything," I blushed at the thought. It was comforting knowing he cared.
"Here I was thinking I was special!" he cursed.
"okay. Whats up? You have been acting so weird lately. Why does it bother you that I'm hanging out with Lucas?" I was peculiar. I may have raised my voice louder than usual.
"MAYBE BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU TO HIM! MAYBE I LIKE YOU AND I WANT YOU TO MYSELF!" he shouted in jealousy. We both paused. Well that escalated quickly. He liked me? all this time?
"Since when?" I wondered.
He calmed down. "since performance school, since the first time I saw you. Since always. I love you Noah and I feel like I'm losing you to I guy you don't even know?" he stressed. He was being overwhelmingly real with me. I can't believe we where having this talk.

I've known Allen since sixth grade, and now we were juniors in high school. He wasn't in any of my classes the first year but he found me playing my harp in one of the string rooms. He is the same as he has always been. Super nerdy! but cute in his own ways, like...maybe not ugly,but not pretty and everything in between. Atleast, that's my opinion. Some girls, would flirt with him but most just assumed we were together. He had reddish cheeks and always wore his square glasses. He had semi-tan skin and brown hair. We bonded over similarities. His parents were super strict about his grades. Allen was so smart and one little slip up every now and again and he was considered a failure and a disappointment. He hated the way his parents treated him and so did I. We both loved music! He played acoustic guitar, bass, electric guitar, and he's doing well at learning piano. After our eighth grade graduation, we both ended up in the same high school. We were pretty much the only kids from Nocturnes Performances school, home of the Eurasian eagle owls. We have been best friends and we go way back.

Now he liked me? What even am I supposed think?! I can't think. All this time he never said anything. It was always only he and I. He had plenty of time to tell me and trust me, together we had our fair share of bullies, people would tease us and say we were together. Since freshman year, it's pretty much been just him and I, along with a few acquaintances in our choral classes.

We stood a close distance from each other. Me, confused and Allen, regretful.
"I don't know what to say?" I sympathized.
"I could only'd say I love you back," He muttered.
"I do?" I said.I held my hand on his face.
He grabbed my hand pushing it away and dodged his head, looking away from me. "Not that way," he sighed.
he started going upstairs.
"Allen, come back! please?" I said. This was all so dramatic for me. He's being ridiculous right? he's just jealous, but he has nothing to be jealous about.

I followed him out my house trying to catch up to him. He drove off. Sigh. I stomped over to Lucas's house.
I banged on the door. I was furious. I wasn't going to let a FAKE RELATIONSHIP get in the way of a real one. Allen was my best friend! We've been through thick and thin. No way in hell was I letting this slide.

He opened the door, wide open and in surprise. I saw his friends there.
I yelled still infuriated, "I CAN'T DO THIS ANY MORE!"
I heard the boys in the house go silent. They were 'ooo-ing'. Lucas widened his eyes. He took my hand and pulled me aside, and he closed the door behind him.

"What are you doing?!" he squinted. "You can't not now!"
"Excuse me? Yes, I can! You must have forgot this isn't even real?" I sassed.
"maybe I forgot because it's real to me," he flirted.

Oy...Oy...Oy. My head hurts. Was he serious? He likes me too? Since when do boys even like me anyways? Was I in a dream? More like a nightmare because this is crazy! WAKE UP! I don't even know who to choose! Allen was my best friend. We were so close, but it would change everything! Then, theres Lucas. He was just BAE GOALS. Headaches, they give me headaches. Somebody call 911 because shorty fire burning herself again.

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