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"What are you doing?!You can't not now!" I was telling Noah. She was Fake breaking up with me in front of Henry, Peter, and STUPID MAX.
"Excuse me? Yes, I can! You must have forgot this isn't even real?" she sassed. Noah, had no idea I low-key like her. Maybe a lot. This fake relationship thing was my excuse to hang out with her. I guess I was nervous to randomly come up to her and ask her out like a normal person. It was always that stupid jittery crush feeling you get that made me weak when I saw noah. I really thought things were going great between her and I, sharing personal stuff about each other. But noooo, I was back to square one. This whole thing was Fake. I just started to work her up and everything. I started hinting I liked her ALL THE TIME! She never got the hint. It was like she didn't even know they exists. Helloooo? I sort kinda like you?!
"maybe I forgot because it's real to me," I flirted.
I believed that was a great lined until she made a face at me. It was a face of complete frustration. She went from one emotion to the other. First she was confused, then she was angry, in the end she just looked sad.
"Noah, I want you to calm down," I said as she was having a panic attack. "I didn't mean anything you didn't want me to mean, okay? Just forget I said anything. I'll come by when your ready for me!"

"Yah, sorry. I need to go. I just...I'm sorry," she apologized.
Yikes. I went back inside my house. Max was teasing me already. "That was so Fake," he said.
Henry rolled his eyes. "Can't you just feel bad for him? Noah broke up with him."
"No! Not yet! We are still together. She's just upset!" I defended. Noah really needed to blow off some steam and calm down. I don't know why she didn't want to be in this Fake relationship anymore.
"You're being in denial," Peter notarized.
" You and Your girlfriend never get in fights?" I argued.
"Why is it so hard for you to keep a girl? They always go running away," Max laughed. The rest of my evil bastard friends did too.
"I am keeping one girl. Noah and I are still together!" I defended.
"I bet you guys haven't even had sex don't act like it's serious," Max teased.
There he goes challenging me again. He always had to be better than me.
"Oh come on Max. Me and my girlfriend Giovanna aren't having sex. Just cause Lucas hasn' doesn't mean anything?" henry supported.

"We all know you're just gay! I don't know why you date her knowing you ain't getting any!" Max judged. Henry dropped the argument, not wanting to talk about it anymore. Great, It was just Max and I fighting.

"Maybe we are having sex! You wouldn't know!" I said in deep regret. This is how it happened last time. I said "Maybe I do have a girlfriend! You wouldn't know!" Sadly, this is the part where max says "Prove it!"

SHIT! He dared me to record us having sex. What in the hell was I going to do? Why does this keep happening? Max was always doing this! I couldn't not do it because I never hear the end of it.
"Don't do it, man. It's just messed up. Noah's a nice girl," peter convinced.
I knew she was nice. He didn't have to tell me? I already knew.
"Can't anyways," I answered Peter but looked at Max, "I don't have a camera?"
"Dude? Thats your excuse to get out of this? I obviously have one," Max said stupidly.
Yah, of course he had one. It was the little teddy cliche too. MAX NEEDS TO GO! BYE FELICIA! I'm quite done with his bullshit.
"Tonight! Or I'll get you for lying," he said. Max Had to be the worse friend I have ever had at this point. i wanted to bro dump him for the better of the whole squad. It's just the way max was. STUPID

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