Kuroo Tetsurou // Letter

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I can block volleyballs but it seems I can't block you from finding a way to my heart. Go out with me?

You instantly found yourself trying to hold back your laughter when you saw Kuroo's handwritten letter.

You were actually only intended to get your bag in your class, but you found a folded paper on Kuroo's desk while everybody else's desks are empty. Being the curious girl you are, you silently opened it, and found out that it's a confession love-letter by him, dedicated to you-don't-know-who.

You folded back the paper as it was before, and put it back on his desk samely as before. Then you came back to your senses, and remembered your actual purpose to go to your class. You hurriedly made your way to your seat to get your bag.

You turned your head around, as you heard the front door creaked open. Your sight shows you that it was Kuroo. He is coming in through the front door, making his way to the class with his hands on his pockets. "Oh, Kuroo." you greeted him, as you glanced away. You grabbed your bag and slung your bag over your shoulder.

Kuroo went to his seat, and begin to pack his stuffs into his bag. "Hey, [f/n]." he greeted you back. And suddenly you found yourself cracked a small laugh on recalling his letter.

You knew Kuroo heard your laugh when you saw Kuroo's eyebrows slanted inward in confusion. "What's wrong?" he asked.

You battled between telling him the truth that you saw his letter or telling him a lie, then you decided on the latter, since he'll usually just shrug off those kinds of things. "Nothing." you said casually, as you make your way to the back door.

Kuroo made a low humming sound. "You saw this, didn't you?" he asked, and it made you stop from walking towards the door.

You turned your attention to him, and your gaze landed on Kuroo's hand. He's holding his letter, the letter you were actually laughing about.

You slightly widened your eyes in mere seconds. He stared at your dumbfounded expression and smirked playfully at it.

You showed him a crooked grin, showing that you didn't care if he found out. "What's with that pick up line?" you blurted through a joking sneer.

On the other hand, he began to walk towards you. He hummed again. "You rebel. Peeking someone else's proposal letter."

Oh hell yes I'm a rebel. You thought, but the words didn't escape from your mouth. Instead you make an apologetic look in jest. "Sorry. Curiousity filled me." you stated, uncertain about your own words.

He walked even closer towards you, with his hands on his pockets. You made a step backwards and your back made contact with the closed door, leaving you no space to step backwards anymore.

He stepped even closer to you (if even possible). He stopped when you held out a hand to prevent him to go even closer. "What are you doing?!" you exclaimed.

He grimaced, and put both his hands on your sides, as if he's telling you there's no escape. He bent down until he reached your level, then he leaned onward. You felt his breath against your skin. "You do know, curiosity killed the cat, right?" he whispered to your ear, and it gives you tickling feeling.

You pushed him away with your hands against his chest, but he didn't budge one bit instead he grabbed both of your wrists. He stopped you from pushing him away. You flinched at his actions. "Go away, Kuroo. You're scaring me." you stated.

He looks rather surprised and he releases your wrists from his grasp. He slightly moved away from you. "Sorry." he apologized, but his expression didn't show any apologetic look. He straightened his back, and begin to dig his hand into his pocket.

You were wondering what was he doing until he pulled out the folded paper from before, then handed it towards you. "Here."

You raised your brows in confusion. Your gaze landed on Kuroo, who was watching you and his gaze was never really leaving you.

He waited for you to grab the letter from him. "What's this supposed to mean?" you asked, since you were unsure about your own thinking. And it'd be seriously embarrassing if just in case, what you're thinking is actually wrong.

He grabbed your wrist and pulled it. He put his handwritten letter on your palm. "Oh, you do know what I mean," he said, as if he's actually reading what your mind was saying. "But since you read it already, I'll just say it." he snatched the letter from you.

Huh? What?! Your mind was barely keeping up with what's happening. You felt everything happened too fast and you could barely keep up. On the other hand, Kuroo's eyes are still on you. "Go out with me?"

You grinned, since you actually have been crushing on him. But you decided to play a bit. A mischievous smile curled up upon your lips. His eyebrows raised as if he's sensing something weird from you, which is right. "Say everything that's on the paper." you demanded.

He groaned hearing your reply. "Seriously now?"

You tilted your head to the side and curled your lips in a teasing manner. "Well if you don't wanna," your hand started making its way to the door handle, and you begin to rub it teasingly. "I'm gonna go─"

You stopped midsentence when you felt your wrist was being grabbed fiercely by him. He dropped it and his hands landed on both of your sides like before. You let out a sigh. "You really are a middle blocker."

You looked up at him. As he makes his face closer to yours. He stopped at mere inches. "I can block volleyballs but it seems I can't block you from finding a way to my heart. Go out with me?"

"yES you idio─" he didn't let you finish your sentence as he closed the gap between with his lips on yours.

//I don't even know what's with this kuroo one shot is this even supposed to be cute φ(゚-゚=)//

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