Oikawa Tooru // Cliché

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Oikawa Tooru is literally the real life version of the cliché guys in dramas who are famous and attractive and captivating to almost all girls at school and girls are going nuts about him. His face screams bishounen and you don't want to argue about it.

"Such a cliché. Love triangle." Oikawa commented as he reads the script for musical drama for the class performance.

It is completely sappy but you are indeed one of the girls who are going nuts about him. But things are different now, though it seems unreal but the cliché guy is now your boyfriend, actual lover.

"You confessed to me with the help of your teammates singing (f/song) and (f/flower) on their grip in the gym. And here you are saying love triangle is cliché." You stated.

You know there's an existence of the saying that says there are two kinds of people in this world, you are either a hopeless romantic or realist. You found out you are one of the hopeless romantic. Your friends state that, you don't even deny it because you are positively a hopeless romantic yourself. You say he is cliché yet you fall for him.

"Oh you know you love it." He teased with a grin plastered on his face, as both of you continue to walk your way home from school.

You indeed love his cliché stuff. But sometimes you wonder, why did Oikawa choose you instead of the other girls? He could just dump you on the spot and get a new girl since girls are chasing over him like mad.

His options for girls are unlimited. He could date the prettiest girl who has the hots for him in the class next door. Yet he chose you to be his girlfriend.

You, on the other hand, obviously fall for him for his everything. His kind of paradise smile, even the feigned ones, his attitude, his brown eyes, his passion for volleyball, his love towards aliens, and his soul.

"Oikawa." You called and there must be something in your voice that it made him turned to look at you. He tilted his head sideways, observing you with his faint smile and he looks like he's waiting for you to continue. So you do. "Why did you choose me?"

You feel embarrassed asking about that kind of stuff. But this time you decided to overcome the embarrassment to find out his reason to choose you. Instead of the other girls who also take a liking towards him and look more appealing than yourself.

And now that you think about it, your question didn't make any sense when it came out of a blue like that.

But he seems like he gets it and you know he got it when he answers you. "I've told you that you are my destiny." Oikawa said with his obvious prince act that you didn't seem to really mind.

But you did mind about not getting his sincere answer. "Tooru,"

You paused and turned to look at him who is still keeping his gaze on you. He kind of fliched at your soothing voice calling him by his first name. And the eye contact with him made you sense that he's listening to you. "I mean it." Emphasis on the word 'it'.

He thought for a second. "You," He said, "You are my choice. I love everything about you, and I want to stay by your side through thick and thin, actually, you made me want to."

He continues to tell you about how he fell for you and everything that is good about you, including your flaws.

About your eyes including the way you look at him with sparkles on your eyes because you just love your boyfriend, Oikawa Tooru so much. Your hair, your laughter, and whatsoever. He tells you all of these while looking at you straight in the eye, without any hesitation, without any tension on his face (while unbeknowst to you his heart beats faster than that of a hummingbird).

"You love me for my good and bad. For me being myself. Not for my appearance nor my Leonardo Dicaprio looks."

You listened so carefully that you didn't realize, that he has been looking at you straight on the eye for straightly minutes.

"Oh," Oikawa said, making you slightly fliched at his statement. "I especially love how you fangirl about your own boyfriend."

When he looks like he's done with his train of sentences, you feel thunderstrucked and dumbfounded. You didn't really expect Oikawa to answer your question that truthfully and that felt like it was genuine from his heart, his words are cliché and you love it.

"Oikawa Tooru, I love you even more now, if it's possible." you said, tugging his forearm pulling him kind of closer.

You suddenly feel the urge to blurt out all of the things you love about him, again. Even though you have told him thousand times.

"I especially love the way y─"

You stopped when you felt his lips landed on yours, as he pecked your lips making your eyes slightly widened. He pulled away after seconds.

His faint smile showed through his mouth. "You totally are a hopeless romantic." He stated.

His statement didn't make you any vary. Since you know you are a hopeless romantic and you can't even the fact itself. "Tell me that's not an insult."

Hopeless romantics do have high expectation about their love lifes. You don't know if it's good or bad. Perhaps only cliché love things that can satisfy them.

"No, not at all." He said, as you grinned at his response. "Perhaps a hopeless romantic girl and a cliché guy make a perfect couple."


OMFG didn't publish any kind of story for roughly 2 MONTHS;;;; really missed writting school has been nuts and here's my opportunity to write.

Also, HAIKYUU SEASON 2 OMFG PLS USHIWAKA ALREADY DID THE THING WITH OIKAWA DYINggG missed the haikyuu anime so much and it came back to us yAYyY /throws confetti/ (sorry long ass a/n xD)

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