Kuroo Tetsurou // Obsessed

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♡ [c/c] means your celebrity crush whom you're obsessed about. It could be anyone, like actor/actress, singer, someone in a band, or any celebs you obsess about.

"Hold on, are you listening?"

He stopped his babbling about something you actually didn't hear about, when he saw you keep on scrolling through your phone with such focused eyes. He sighed again when you looked at him with an apologetic face. He knew it.

It was a long weekend when Kuroo suddenly pops out in front of the gate of your house, in the middle of a cold windy afternoon. You wondered why would he even bother going out in such a cold weather, with his jacket wrapped around his body. You didn't mind though.

He snatched your phone from your hold, making you stare at him open mouthed with a confused look on your face. "What are you doing?" You whined as you tried to snatch it back from his hand. But he just raised it up high that you can't reach it.

"Gimme baaack." He shook his head playfully and you just pouted at him as you tried to reach it. But it was no use. You just ended up clinging into him too much. Kuroo couldn't help but crack a chuckle at the sight.

"No." He simply answered with a smirk.

You furrowed your brows at him. "I promise I will listen to you." You said with a promising look, but it seems like it might take Kuroo a little while for him to give you back your phone. He had more than enough about you paying more attention to [c/c] on your phone instead of your own boyfriend right in front of you.

"You always say that." He said looking at you. Not giving you the slightest bits of pity. Seeing that he won't be giving it back anytime soon if you don't do anything, you jumped around but he just managed to avoid your hand while he keeps on chuckling.

You just pouted more at him. "I'll do anything you say." You blurted out not thinking what could he ask for. Now you kind of regretted saying it, because Kuroo could be troublesome sometimes.

He smirked again. You have lost count how many times did he had that annoying smirk on his face today. "Kuroo Tetsurou or [c/c]?" He questioned.

You thought he was a bit ridiculous for asking such question. It was kind of childish of him to get jealous over your celebrity crush.

You decided to play a bit that you began acting like you're thinking hard who to choose as you hummed. "I don't really know.." you said, "it's hard."

Kuroo furrowed his brows in annoyance. Somehow you managed not to crack a laughter at his behavior. "Make your choice, hurryyyy." He said, becoming more impatience.

"[c/c]!" You said, with a serious look on your face. The look on Kuroo's face was priceless you gotta hold back that laughter of yours. Then it changed to a smirk a second later.

"I guess I'll keep this forever." He said pointing to your phone on his hand. You widened your eyes as he made a way to walk out of your room, but you stopped him, blocking the door so he couldn't get out.

"I was joking!" You stated. "It's you. I choose you."

He just hummed at your answer, not sounding that satisfied. "You sure about that?" He leaned down to your ear, whispering. "Seems like you aren't sincere."

You pushed back his chest as his whisper tickles your ear. He backs away a little making a slight distance between. He just stares, waiting for your response.

"I am sincere," You stare straight back at his eyes. "Kuroo Tetsurou. I choose Kuroo Tetsurou." You repeated in hopes he will just be done with his little play. But that would be stupid to hope that he would just give in, in this kind of situation.

"Then, maybe.." he started off, giving you this uneasiness crept towards you. "You could declare that in front of everyone in school."

Your eyes widened at his statement, because it would be so embarassing to do that, no way in hell you're doing it. "What?!" You pratically yelled, "Spare me."

He pretended to not hear you as he walks away again from you. You sighed in frustration thinking about how to get your phone back.

Just then, your eyes spotted your phone on his grip. You quickly snatched it as he was holding it carelessly unlike before, so it was easy for you to take it from him. He directly noticed and turned around just in time. Seeing that you quickly make a run away from him, but then his hand was faster as you felt his hand on your wrist. He pushed you to the soft futon as you opened your eyes again.

Your face reddened when your eyes showed you a side of Kuroo on top of you with his hands on your both sides. Kuroo found it amusing.

"Oh well," he started off, "you've been so naughty these days."

Your face just flushed even more as he was getting too close. Someone turn on the air conditioner. He leaned down closer to your ear. "I would always spare you if you let me do this everytime." He said half whisper.

He stares at you down then softly placed his lips on yours as you're still progressing what was happening and what kind of situation are you in. He pulled away after seconds and stared at your eyes again. "So, is it me or [c/c]?" He asked.

"You." You directly answered as your heart keeps on beating so fast it could burst. He has never been so obsessed.

"Prove it."

A Kuroo one shot again... oh my God I posted Oikawa and Kuroo one shots in sequence.

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