Oikawa Tooru // Art

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♡ Art major! reader

It was a cold morning when you were inside a coffee shop, which was just about 10 minutes walk from your apartment. That little cozy coffee shop which college students often go to, when they need to take a break after a week of lessons. You yourself have been visiting it countless times since you attend college, you pratically blend into the scene. You didn't care, it has the best coffee in town and it sets your mind at ease.

After getting a cup of your favorite coffee that you've been craving for, you slipped from the counter. The corner seat was empty so you quickly make your way towards it to take a seat, and make yourself comfortable on the snug sofa.

The bell rang again, it was a soft jingle signifying people who come and go. It was a normal routine, really. People coming in, going out, this time with a jacket wrapped around theirselves since it was a cold windy day outside.

You just glance around, and not that many things could attract you from your book, seriously. Through the front door, a quite noticeably tall figure walked in with that soothing smile, maybe something good happened on his way here because oh man, his smile is tranquilizing.

And his fluffy-looking brown hair that swept outwards, which probably he spent minutes to style it. It would probably look even better if he leave it straight. His adorable corresponding-colored eyes, the kind you could get lost into it if you keep staring straight into his eyes. From some angles it looks hazel. You catch yourself couldn't stop staring at the view. Your gaze followed him around, his steps from front door, then the counter to order, and the seat he took near the window. The natural light makes him more alluring. Words can't describe the actual beauty in your sight. So you just got to do something to not forget about the mesmerizing scene.

You quietly pulled out your small sketch book from your bag. Folding it in your hand so it became comfortable for you to sketch the scene in front of you.

You began to slid your pencil over the sketch book, watching as the grey lines spilled across it. Sometimes you just got to memorize the details of his face, so you don't have to keep looking back and forth from him and your skecth book. But it was no use though, your eyes just manage to catch glimpses of him. More sketches spilled across the paper, as you were trying to represent more details into it with shades.

You were totally bewildered when your gaze fell into his spot again, he was nowhere to be seen. The seat was empty. You look around and there's no sign of him, sadly. You take a look at your sketch book again, sighing softly as a small smile crept into your lips. "It was almost finished."

You flinched when you heard a guy cleared his throat. It sounded like the owner of the voice is beside you. "Why do you keep staring at me?" You glance sideways, and your eyes were widened at the sight of the guy you were sketching, actually noticed and talking to you. "You look like a serial killer, preparing some plans to kill me."

In your absence of replies, he tilted his head in confusion. As you were trying to find the words to explain.

"Hold on.." He bent down slightly as his eyes squinted, noticing the sketch book which was left open on the table. "Are you drawing me?" Strangely, his eyes were filled with amazement at it.

You were startled as you quickly move your hand towards your sketch book, but he had it on his hand first. You really want to flee away from the guy and just disappear from the sight. You sighed deeply as you cover your reddened face with your hands, because the embarrassment was so real. You mumbled.

He hummed something sounded like satisfaction under his breath. You hoped it was. Because it was a better reaction, other than thinking you were odd for drawing a stranger sitting across the room in a coffee shop that he freaks out.

"I'm sorry for that." You blurted out after your own train of thoughts.

He raised his brows in confusion at your apology. "No, it's fi-"

"I should've ask for your permission or something- I guess. Sorry." You stopped him midsentence with an apologize once again. You just hope it didn't sound weird. Because drawing a stranger is not weird. Totally not.

You heard him cracked a chuckle. Your heart beats faster at the sound, and you don't have the courage to look at him in the eye anymore.

"It's fine, really." He reassured, trying to calm you down because you keep mumbling. Until you were finally looking back at him and see that he's smiling at you.

He allowed himself to take a seat beside you. You moved away to give him more space to sit, he mumbled a soft thank you. You nodded in response as you try not to do anything stupid in front of him.

"Your coffee is getting cold," He said out of a blue as he pointed at your cup of coffee. He was right about it, you totally forgot about your unfinished coffee. "I think you should drink it."

You just nervously laugh at his statement, and begin to take a sip of your unfinished coffee. Couple of seconds passed in silence between the both of you. Just the sound of other people's chatter around you.

"This is beautiful." He suddenly stated, turning away his attention from your sketching to look at you. You stare blankly at him.

"T- thanks?" You replied, unsure of it yourself. It still felt weird to talk to him.

"Seems like you successfully captured my beauty." He said proudly. You raised your brows until you finally noticed.. This guy is narcissistic.

Somehow the conversation between the both of you still manages to continue. You ended up getting to know each other more. Though a little bit too much for your taste since you've just met him like minutes ago. Like his name is Oikawa Tooru, he's in the volleyball club at his university, and his so-called 'Iwa-chan'. You noticed he tends to have sparkle in his eyes when he was talking about something he loves, and what he passionates about. You'd like to know him even better in the future, if life allows you.

He also said that he'd like to model for you anytime, and stated that your assignment would be amazing with that sketch of yours. You had a hard time figuring out which one is the amazing one, your sketching skills or his beauty. ((Though you figured out he most likely meant his beauty.))

Oh my. What is this

Probably I saw a man so beautiful I started drawing ((and crying internally))

Oikawa Tooru is an art

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