Oikawa Tooru // Farewell

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By the end of the school year, third years are having a prom party, pretty much as well as a farewell party. Just thinking about it makes all the girls so excited, you felt the same. Not until anytime soon.

A classmate of yours asked you to come with him, which you told Oikawa about it.

"Then.." he said, unsure to continue but he did anyways. "What did you say?" He asked while still looking down not ready for your answer. Whether it's a yes or a no, he's still not ready both ways.

"Of course I said no," you said, chuckling. "I wanna go with you."

He blinked, and you wonder why is he so quiet. He usually acts full of himself, like of course you chose me, why did he even bother to ask you out. But then he opened his mouth. "You should go with him." His statement makes you confused and you wonder why does your heart ache so much after hearing his words. "It it okay for you?" It feels like he's letting you go and send you to someone else's arms like it's nothing.

"Then, who are you going with?" You asked directly, after you got back to your senses. You can't be tearing up in front of him. So you act like you're fine with it. "One of your fangirls?"

He muttered a yes. You have to pretend again that it is fine to you. "Well, if you insist then." He's always been marking you as yours but then it was like he undirectly says it's all over. Get over me already. You don't have the urge to ask him why is he like this. Because you and Oikawa have always been this way, not lovers, but not friends either.

"I think I should go." He said as he slung his bag to his shoulders. Interrupting your train of thoughts. "Aren't you going?" He asked.

You shake your head. "I have something to do." He hummed. Then he just walked his own way outside without asking what is that something you must do, he usually does. Sometimes he even wait for you. Seems like things are changing now. You feel pathetic for even thinking that he would cross the line someday, getting out of the not lovers yet not friend zone.

Your heart is probably ripped out into 24 pieces by now. Your chest bursts. You are grateful he went out first because you can't resist the urge to cry your eyes out. Tears streaming down your face, no sound, just letting it out. The one you care about for years turns out to not feel the same.

On the other hand, Oikawa couldn't make his legs move any longer. He leans against the walls. Pain hit his heart, he sniffled trying not to cry with his hand covering his eyes. Sorrow was apperent in those brown eyes. He knows he should act like a goddamn man and confess already. Yet he stands here on the hallway and continue feeling miserable. He wonders why would you bother to go with him to the prom, if you love somebody else. Was it because of concern? Or so he thought.

The memory of the day before, when you're drunk, he holded you gently in his arms. You look like you're about to collapse any seconds if he let go, so he doesn't. The music is loud and everyone is jumping around. He couldn't think of anything at the moment, but the obvious thing. That he loves this girl so much, the girl in his arms, the girl who has always been by his side for as long as he could remember, and the only girl who he can trust with him being himself.

He can't resist the urge to kiss you. His palm held your chin and he closes the gap between. He feels your lips on his, smiling into the kiss. He lets go after seconds and takes a look of your face, it's red and flushed. He had a hard time finding out was it because he kissed you, or are you just intolerable to alcohol.

"Why the hell.." you hiccuped in between your sentence. "did you do that?" You asked still not fully aware of anything since you're drunk. You pushed him in the chest but he didn't budge since you have no strength at the moment. In truth you didn't drink that much, he drank even more. But strangely, you're the drunk one here. He thought it was cute.

He chuckles. "Don't you like me?"

"No.." you said, he widened his eyes. His insides kind of broke. "I love him." You stated. "I've been saving my first kiss for him." You told him, not even aware about anything.

Oikawa's heart aches more through the memory. Who is him?

He has always thought that his feelings are mutual. Turns out he doesn't know anything about you, even about you liking him or so you told him. Oikawa didn't even have the courage to ask who is him. He knows he shouldn't give up this easily, just because of a rejection in a drunk talk. But his heart breaks and he couldn't handle the heartache.

On the day of the prom party, you and him ended up going together, with your own partners on your sides. Smiling at each other and broken inside.

A/n; Because the combination of oikawa tooru + angst is beautiful.

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