Iwaizumi Hajime // Bus Ride

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Sleeping on the bus ride to school is not an ideal thing to do. You could miss the next stop you're supposed to get out. Get lost on busses, probably have to go the reverse route and get late to school. But you couldn't restrain yourself, getting extremely drowsy, probably from the all-nighter study sessions. Well, third year's exam life.

A quick nap won't hurt. And hopefully it can dispel this drowsiness and help you get back on track, you thought. You set your phone alarm for a couple of minutes, fell asleep quickly with your head against the pillow behind you and your pulled up hoodie.

That's the moment the bus stops, passengers being loaded and unloaded. Your classmate Iwaizumi Hajime get on the bus. He noticed you sitting there like he always did, but decided not to interrupt your short nap and take a seat behind you instead.

Minutes passed in silence, and you are still on your peaceful nap with the comfortable hoodie. There are not much people on the bus, and they are either sleeping or scrolling through their phone, so it's really quiet.

Iwaizumi loves this kind of silence. He knew you pulled an all-nighter again. He had told you not to do so, but you're just stubborn. He doesn't wanna get too bossy around you, so he just lets you pull it. Though he still hates it when you force yourself.

But what can he do? He's just a classmate.

The road covered in bumps interrupted Iwaizumi's peaceful mind in the morning. He sighed lighty, hating the unpleasant bumpy road.

Your head jolts without your willingness because of the bumpy ride. You groaned slighly in your sleep. Iwaizumi saw you are still asleep, and immediately get next to your empty seat in silence, not wanting to wake you up from your rest. He knows you need rest.

He sighed, "Sleep on your comfy bed instead of bus, will you?" He muttered really quietly under his breath.

The road's got bumpy again, and your head starts shaking almost hitting the window next to you. Iwaizumi's palm quickly reached for your head, preventing your head from hitting it.

He gently gets a hold of your temple. Letting your head rest on his shoulder. You unconsciously hummed in response when you feel his body warmth against you. His firm shoulder could make anyone feel safe. Bonus point, his cologne smells great.

He kind of tensed when you hummed. He thought you were awake and Iwaizumi thanked God you didn't. He's never been this close to you and he thought he will never be. But here he is with you napping on his shoulder in a public bus.

He catches a few glimpses of your sleeping face. You look peaceful, resting on his shoulder. He likes it when you rest yourself, instead of studying your ass off without rest.

Now he tensed for real when your phone in your hoodie pocket buzzed. You groaned at the unpleasant sound and opended your eyes slowly, noticing you've been sleeping on someone's shoulder. You flinched, getting off and your gaze landed on that someone.

You relax when you saw it is Iwaizumi instead of some other strangers. But not that relaxed. Debating on what you should say. "Iwaizumi?" You muttered, not that quiet for him to hear you.

He slightly smiled at your response and you thought it was heaven because hIS SMILE IS-

He cleared his throat. "The ride was bumpy and you were asleep, so I let you sleep on my shoulder," he said, tapping his shoulder with his fingers, "instead of hitting the window next to you." He finished his sentence, and pointing out the window.

Your eyes are wide opened now. Iwaizumi saw you sleeping on the bus and he lets you sleep on his firm shoulder. Let's be real here he got the arms of every girl's dream. Your cheeks feel hot. "Oh, I see. T- thankyou Iwaizumi." You thanked this hoodie on your head from blocking his view to your blushed red cheeks. But you also cursed yourself from stuttering.

"Sure," he nods, "but all nighter is not healthy for you, [y/n]."

You tensed. He knows about you pulling an all nighter again.

The bus stopped a couple of steps away from the school gates, "we should get off." You nod back and quickly get your school bag. Both of you got off the bus and walk together to school. You just wished that your thoughts don't interrupt you while answering the tests later.

..Iwaizumi thought the same.

Surprise, back after almost 4 months;; I'm sorry I got no inspiration to write. What do u think about this honestly? I haven't been writing for so long omF

season 2 ended I cri I love aoba josai so much. Actually, I love everyone in haikyuu

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