Tsukishima Kei // Aggressive

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"An animated guy for your lock screen? Seriously."

Tsukishima sneered, as he noticed the lock screen of your phone. It's your (fav/chara), the one you love so much, probably too much for being in love with a fictional character.

You felt annoyed by Tsukishima's smug attitude towards you, but he's always been like this with everyone. You knew Tsukishima has always been the type that is very blunt and has a habit of riling people up.

"Say that again and you'll burn in hell." You said, as nonchalant as ever without giving him a single glance. You gave your full attention to your phone, and continue both of your journey back to your home with your neighbour.

It has been like this since months ago. Since you were both basically neighbours. When his parents and yours found out that you were going to the same high school, they conviced you and Tsukishima to go to school and walk back home together. For more safety, they said.

"Maybe you could take a liking towards real people for once, (f/n)." He suggested sarcasticly. You felt annoyance consumed you again as your eyes rolled.

Before going to the same high school with him, both of you never had an actual interaction or even a single chit chat. You assumed putting an effort to interact with people was unnecessary. Specifically people who are spiteful and can be very rude to everyone around them.

You really didn't want to associate with those kinds of people. But then, here you are. Having to walk to and from school together with him. Thanks, mothers.

"It's not your right to intervene my love life." Your tinge showed a glob of annoyance filling your system, which you actually intended to show him. You need to restrain yourself from beating the hell out of him sometimes. But you do beat him up in your mind.

His mouth crooked into a smirk, as his head turns sideways slightly to take a look at you. You tilted your head in a perplexed manner.

His gaze averted away from you. He looks ahead the road, which you did the same. "Your friends are all on dates and here you are, can't even like real people."

You can't help but let out a sigh due to being weary. Weary, because of his warped personality.

"Well, excuse me for not being able to like real people," You said as a sarcastic remark. You heard him snickered. "Then, also. Here you are too. Being single and can't even take a liking towards girls. Are you gay?"

You have always wondered about this. And you thought it was a perfect opportunity to actually ask him about it. About him not being on dates with girls, not actually being gay.

Many girls at school like him, you really didn't know why would girls like him. But now you know.

Through the times you spend with him, you look at him with slight distance, like being side to side with him. Much to every girls who have a crush on him feel jealousy came upon them. You noticed details of his, sometimes the small ones.

He has blond hair that was cut short enough that his forehead shows. His eyes are brown, the golden brown colored ones. His whole face screams attractive the more you look at him.

Plus he's really tall. Even though his build is real scrawny. Maybe he only eats half of your portion or something, you don't know.

His glass was just not for fashion. He appears to be good at studying. Like, smart guys are attractive. You catch yourself thinking he's a fine guy after all.

Though he ruins all of them with his spiteful personality.

You heard him scoffed. "You are an idiot."

Somehow you were used to his mocking towards you. You felt nothing about it. "Then, do you even like someone?" You corrected your question to be more of a common question among teenagers.

"Kind of." He answered, almost too quick for you to being able to respond.

His answer surprises you. The guy who showed no slight interests towards girls, is confessing that he kind of likes someone. Though his attitude still screams effortless all over him.

"Kind of? Seriously. Get your facts right," You told him. "Get a little aggressive."

"Aggressive is not in my dictionary." He said, a scowl crept into his face.

You sneered as a thought came upon you. Your hand made its way to reach his. You slide your hand between his. You felt him flinched and tried to let go but you didn't let him do so.

You cracked a mocking laughter. "Well, I'm telling you. Aggressive is this. Get it in your dictionary." You said, your hand still sliding on his forearm teasingly.

For unknown reason he stopped his steps, and it made you stop too. He turns his head sideways and faces you with an annoyed expression written on his whole face. A crooked smirk formed on your mouth.

You let go of his hand, afraid that you will really make him mad with your clingy behavior. Your hand released his. When his hand is free from your grasp, his hand grabbed your wrist, a little bit too fierce that you flinched at his sudden actions. Your eyes widened, and he smirked when he noticed.

Your lips tightened in irritation. You groaned. "Okay, you got it. Now, let go of my hand." You pulled your hand yet it didn't slip off his grasp.

His grasp around your wrist only became tighter when you tried to pull away. You frowned at him. "You're hurting me, idiot."

You noticed his lack of answer, and it made you think if you made him mad or something by your statement.

Instead he walks closer toward you. His steps made yourself step backwards absentmindedly due to his close distance. You tried to step even further from him. You hissed. "What are you doing, you idiot?!"

He didn't answer. His head was bent down toward you. His steps became rapid you almost tripped but didn't because his hand was still holding onto your wrist. His condescending smirk annoyed the hell out of you.

Your back came in contact with the hard wall. You looked up, and your sight shows you Tsukishima's face being real close to yours. Your free hand instinctively made its way to his shoulder and you tried to shove him away from you. He didn't budge a bit.

He placed his free hand on your side. "I'm taking it back."

"What?" You asked, being as clueless as ever. You had a hard time progressing what's going on with Tsukishima. Like, is this even Tsukishima? The passive guy who is really effortless, blocking you against the wall.

"For saying that aggressive is not in my dictionary," He scoffed. "It is in mine. Maybe it is not in yours."

His words made your train of thoughts stopped. But confusion filled your system even more. "Wh─"

You didn't get the chance to say what you're going to say. Your lips being sealed with something tasted like strawberry shortcake. Your eyes widened. Tsukishima's lips is on yours, with his eyes closed.

His lips tasted like the strawberry shortcake he just ate earlier, and you almost chuckled because strawberry shortcake doesn't suit him at all.

In several seconds, you realized that you didn't even try to pull away from him. Quickly, when you were going to pull away, he already did first. Your face flustered in emberassment for being absorbed.

His eyes were opening slowly as he back away. He stopped at slight distance, his face still mere inches from yours.

"Say what again and I'll seal you with my lips, again."

Yay finally done a Tsukishima one shot! The passive and aggressive guy. Idk. Dude. XDDDD

Idk who am i going to do next. My number 1 husbando Oikawa, maybe ;_;♡

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