Kuroo Tetsurou // Misunderstand

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It all started with a little teasing. You never knew jokes can turn your life upside down. Then it led Kuroo to misunderstand the whole situation and he just suddenly fades away from your life. It also led you to get over him, well not really, instead you've been distancing yourself from him.

It was kinda hard at first, to let go of the guy who's always been a part of your life. You've never been in a relationship with Kuroo, but you can't deny that little heart of yours still have the tiniest bits of feelings for him. But then that day happened.

When he stated that he likes someone in the class, your insides broke. "So," you said, intended to joke around, "who's the unlucky girl?"

He furrowed his brows. "What do you mean unlucky?" He asked. "She would be the luckiest girl in the world."

You are in a state of feeling exasperated by his words. But on the other hand, you would like to be that luckiest girl in the world. It hurts when you knew that it is never you that he likes.

"What about you, (y/n)?" He asked, interrupting your train of thoughts. You got back to your senses, and you don't want him to feel like he's the only one who is finally getting his love life.

"I, actually.." you said, after recalling that a classmate of yours, actually confessed to you. You never really responded to him. But maybe you could try. "I have someone, too." You stated, kind of unsure, because you don't even have feelings for the guy.

He stared at you in disbelief, "Who is it?" He asked, his eyes locked into yours and it looks like he's not going to break the eye contact until you give him answers.

"Why do you care?" You huffed, looking away from him. But you felt his firm grip on your chin, it didn't hurt though.

He makes you face him again, "Tell me." He said a little more demanding.

You pushed his hands away, pretended you didn't want him to touch you. He simply let you go. "Gosh, Kuroo. Stop touching me like it's normal to touch a girl." You said, it came out like you're mad at him. Like you're sick of him. You don't. You're never sick of him. Though your behavior towards him told him the opposite. You don't even know why would you act like this towards the guy you love.

"Well, I'm sorry. I'll give you some space." He said it like it didn't matter one bit. Like you never mattered to him, not once. Simply because of your words, the words you never actually meant, he keeps his distance and give you some space to you for real. He didn't even approach you anymore, unless he has his own needs.

Going back to the present now, you and him have been in a relationship with your own partners. It was all going smooth. Both yours and his relationship with his girl.

"It's been a while, (y/n)." You flinched, his words rang through your ear. You know whom that voice belongs to. It really has been a while, since he called out your name, with that deep voice of his. You like the way it escaped his mouth.

You looked away from your book, and glance sideways. It was Kuroo, standing beside where you're seated, with his hands on his pocket. You can't even remember when was the last time you can stare at his sly face this close. His bed head still remains the same, still the same hair that makes you want to run your fingers through it.

You came back to your senses and saw that he's already taking a seat beside you. "Aren't you going to say something for our little reunion?" He asked and his narrowed eyes are still on you the whole time.

You look away. "Uhm, yes. It's been a while." You quickly close your book, marking it with your small bookmark. "I need to go." Because you might do something weird if he's near you any longer. Resisting the urge to hug him with your head against his chest, punching it and screaming I fucking love you at him.

You packed your belongings to your bag and gets ready to leave the library. "Wait, (y/n)." He called out, but you didn't respond. You make your way out of the library and you knew he is following you, but he didn't call for you anymore because the library rules demand silence.

When you're already outside, he called out your name again. "I said wait." His hand is grabbing your wrist to make you stop moving. You pulled and it forced him to let you go.

Doesn't let your chance to go away again, he grabbed your wrist once again. This time tighter that it kind of hurts. "Let go of me, gosh. What do you want?" You half shouted at him, and still not looking at him. He's staring down, not letting go but his grip around your wrist loosens.

"Why are you so troublesome?" He groaned and run his fingers through his hair.

"If you're here to say that, then good bye." His loosening grip makes it easy for you to go. You quickly walk away from him.

He grabbed your shoulder. You let out a hiss when your back made contact with the wall as Kuroo pinned you. "What the hell?"

"What the hell?  I should be the one who's saying that right now." You glared at him, finally looking straight to his sly eyes. Gosh, you don't know how much Kuroo missed those eyes of yours.

"Listen to me." He demanded, you didn't respond. So he continued. "Your boyfriend deserves a high five in the face," he said, "with a chair."

You furrowed your brows, waiting for an explanation.

"Guess you have no idea." He huffed.

"No idea of what?" You can't resist to be quiet anymore since he's talking nonsense. And you don't understand one bit of anything he said.

"God, (y/n). He's cheating on you." You widened your eyes in disbelief. How does he even know about it while you yourself have no slightest idea. "I punched him on the face," he stated, "throat, eyes, stomach, balls-"

"What?!" You gasped. "Y- you don't have to go that far!" You exclaimed. And he chuckled at your response.

"I was joking. But I punched him on the face. I have to resist the urge to punch him in the bal-"

"Thank God." You sighed in relief, cutting his words off. He raised his brows at your response. You really have a hard time finding the words, feeling pathetic because your boyfriend cheated on you. But you behave normally in front of him, being casual after finding out your boyfriend cheated on you.

You are so over with that guy. He's been pissing the hell out of you these last days with his bullshit promises. No wonder why, he's been cheating.

"You okay?" Kuroo asked, and that was when you only realized his face are mere inches from yours. His hands are still cornering you.

You nodded, trying the best not to sniffle in front of him, especially this close. But your eyes betrayed you, tears streaming down your face. You had a hard time finding out what was the reason behind these tears. Was it because you missed Kuroo so much, or was it because your boyfriend cheated on you.

He let down his hands, and pulled you into his chest instead. Patting your back like he's telling you that he's here for you.

"I'm sorry.." Kuroo mumbled to your ears. "For letting you go to another guy's arms." He hugs you tighter, you cried to his chest.

"Idiot. Your girlfriend will see us and misunderstand." You punched his chest, trying to break his hug, he doesn't let you though.

"I think you're the one who's misunderstanding here." Kuroo said softly to your ear. "I never had a girlfriend. Can I kiss you already?"

Sniffles. "What? Then you're just making things-"

"No whats. Explanation later." He mumbled. "Don't ruin the moment, (y/n), so can I kiss you already?"

"I fucking love you, Kuroo." You did it, but not screaming like you imagined you would. "You don't know how many times do I have to resist the urge to scream it to your face."

Despite your response, he lifted your chin up, crashing his lips on yours.

This was supposed to have a sad ending but I'm nice and constant angsts are no good for my readers' heart

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