Oikawa Tooru // Sorry

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This time is the moment you lost it. You have been holding it so tight. You can't deal with this mess anymore. "Don't you get it? Tooru, you're in a mess!" You exclaimed, trying hard not to burst into tears in front of him. Your heart aches so much seeing Oikawa like this. He is suddenly a stranger, like he's just someone who's never been a part of your life. Ironically, he's a part of your life. He was your life. You're sick of hoping that everything's going to be like the past again. Happy days filled with smiles plastered on your faces and laughters.

"I'm totally fine." He answered. You thought he's out of his mind, saying he, on that kind of state is fine.

"Club, drinking, girls all over you," you inhaled, looking down because you don't want to look at him anymore, "you are saying those are fine?"

The memory of you and him having fun in the past filled your mind, then holding your tears are the hardest thing to do in earth.

College has been hard on you. But it's your last year of college. And you are going to say good bye to class, assignment, that bitchy lecturer, the foods in cafetaria, and especially your friends.

Just the day before, when your very last group project preparation is done, you were on your way home. Streetlights guide you the way home and you shiver when the chilly air blows.

Your jaw drops.

He is on the other side of the street. With his brown coat on, hands on his pocket. He doesn't seem like he noticed you. You didn't bother, continue taking your steps towards the indifferent guy. And you are eventually in front of him.

You stare at him, and you are pretty sure that he's supposed to notice you by now. You're pratically standing still in front of him. But when his stare lands on you, he looks unfocused and averted his gaze away from you. His cheeks are flushed red.

"Oikawa? Did you..." you started off, unsure of what to do in the situation, "drink?" Because he reeks of alcohol. This is not the first time he's in this state, nor second. And you hate it.

Oikawa doesn't respond. You sighed in frustation, grabbing his arm. Getting ready to drag him along with you to his home. But he doesn't budge one bit.

Obviously, he was at the club.

Yesterday was such a mess. He's in a mess. This whole situation is just one big mess.

"No, okay. I'm sorry." He said. Anger built up inside of you.

I'm sorry. He is saying those words again. You had a hard time dealing with those apologies through times, he never change. You grew sick of those.

Oikawa was never like this. Not until he stressed out about anything that can be stressed about, or so you thought.

Unbeknownst to you, he's always been identifying you as his. Only to get crushed when you get yourself a boyfriend after entering college. He always thought you were the one for him, after being dumped by his previous girlfriends for obsessing over his own passion, volleyball. Because you were always there for him, admiring his undying love for volley and he always tries his best though he's already the best for you.

He just doesn't know it, so he doesn't ever confess because the thought of getting rejected hurts more than any blade ever will. And you seem like you're happy with your own lover.

In your eyes, he never shows interest about getting in a relationship with you. You assumed the feelings aren't mutual and decided to move on. Even though it hurts just thinking of Oikawa with another girl besides you in his arms.

"How many times are you going to apologize," you inhaled, "about the same thing, over, and over again?" About him destroying himself, with clubs, and drinking. You hate it with all your heart. He was so beautiful, why would he do this to himself?

"Why do you even care?" He sighed in frustration, running his fingers through his brown locks hastily.

You stood there in shock, jaw dropped. You stared at him in fury and confusion, and a snarl plastered on your face. Fists clenched, unclenched. You wondered if he was pretending to be clueless. Or he has always thought you never care.

"For god's sake," you muttered under your breath, "you're my best friend!" You exclaimed, of course you care. You were and you've always been. How could one not care about their own best friend. But he just stares, not responding after seconds.

"Best friend." He mumbled, more to himself but you heard him. That was it, best friend and never been more. Oikawa has considered to cross the line many times.

You sighed, trying to be calm and composed through seconds. You nodded towards him quietly, "So, would you please," your eyes staring straight on his brown ones, "stop doing this?"

You tugged his sleeve, trying to get his whole attention because he looks unfocused. He snapped, and it made you let go of his arm.

"Actually," he started off, "you're the one who needs to stop." You raised your brows. Recalling if there are any problematic actions that you've done in the past. But you can't recall any that could make him out of his mind.

"What have I ever done to you?" Your voice came out despairing. All your hopes are gone. You sniffled quietly. Your eyes filled with tears and your tear drops.

Oikawa take one step forward, his hands moving towards you slowly to embrace you in his warmth, but he hesitates. "I'm sorry." He said, you know he meant it. By the way his voice filled with pain, sadness, and derived of emotions.

I'm sorry. There is it again, he's been saying those words. Not answering to your questions, instead he is just apologizing. You didn't bother to ask him why is he always apologizing. He's not even answering to your questions.

It's not like he doesn't want to answer you, it's because he can't. If he told you the reason, he wouldn't be able to stop talking about how much he has loved you and how much pain he has to bear. Because he's letting the girl he loves walk away. (Without knowing it's actually a requited love.)


Help me

I'm drowning in angst hell

A/n; Because the combination of oikawa tooru + angst is beautiful. Pt.2

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