Tsukishima Kei // What's Best

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It was such a cold morning when you were heading to your morning class in a warm coat. You wrapped your arms around yourself as the cold air blew past. You breathed out with your eyes shut, trying to calm yourself and shake off the dizziness you felt.

Tsukishima sighed again for the hundredth time. He has been walking behind to keep an eye on you since he saw you, his neighbour leaving your house. He was a bit worried when he saw you, looking pale and you couldn't even walk straight. He felt like something was wrong and if it does, he wants to be there for you.

His gasped when he saw you losing grip of the books you were carrying, letting them drop on the ground. Your head throbbed like crazy, you fell on your knees with your hand grabbing your head. Suddenly it was all black out and you couldn't see a thing.

Tsukishima instantly ran towards you, he was panicking inside but he brushed it off quickly as he knows he doesn't have the time to panic. He carefully lifted you up, and walked as fast as he could towards the clinic. He couldn't help but notice you were getting lighter. He clicked his tounge. "Not even eating properly."

It has been minutes since you have passed out. He was still waiting, sitting on the chair beside the bed where you're laying. The nurse suddenly came in.

"It looks like (y/n) is under too much stress lately.. and people around her should constantly remind her to take care of herself.. looks like she hasn't been eating properly."

Tsukishima nodded as the nurse is informing your condition with worries showing in her voice. The nurse slightly smiled. "As a boyfriend you should take care of her."

"We're not dating." He denied, forcing a laugh. Tsukishima felt a pang on his heart, but doesn't show it in any way as he always does. You belonged to someone else.

Slight disbelief was shown on her face but she just shook it off. She told Tsukishima that she'd be leaving in a bit, leaving the two of you once again alone.

Tsukishima stares at your unconscious self again, laying on the bed, with your hands on your sides. Your breathing was calm, your face doesn't look that pale anymore. His gaze finally fell on your hand, lying limp on the bed. He zoned out, as he doesn't notice his hand was approaching yours. It felt like his hand took forever to reach yours. His eyes slightly widened as he came back to his senses. He quickly brought his hand back, cursing at himself intermally for almost doing something stupid. He rested his hand on his thigh and clenched his pants in frustration.

He decided to leave, quickly packing his belongings. He let the nurse know that he's leaving, after contacting your boyfriend to come to accompany you, since you might be still feeling light headed.

Couple of minutes passed, your boyfriend came in a rush. He holds your hand, intertwining fingers. Your eyelids moved and you were awake. You looked around, scanning the room and noticed you are inside a clinic.

"Uh, wha-?"

"You're awake." Your boyfriend said, sighing in relief. "You fainted.. thankfully, Tsukishima was there and he quickly brought you here." He explained, smiling at you.

You hummed. Him again. Tsukishima has been looking after you a lot these days. You sometimes think about what should you do to pay him back. He also helps you when you're lacking in studies. When you're feeling down he somehow tried to do something, that people thought he wouldn't do. He has done an awful lot for you. You were thankful to have someone like him by your side. You hoped you could do something for him too.

"You must be under a lot of stress these days, as I heard." He said again.

"I'm okay.." You reassured him, giving him a sincere smile.

He rubbed your hand, "You aren't." He denied, "Just tell me if something is stressing you."

You smiled again, nodding slightly. You wanted to thank Tsukishima for being there for you again.

"Where is he?" You asked.

"Who? Tsukishima? He went out earlier, I guess he had something to do."

On the other hand, Tsukishima cursed when your boyfriend told you that he was the one who brought you here. He told him to not tell you about it. He was too worried to leave the clinic. So he stayed outside, waiting as he pats the ground with his foot. When you asked where he was, he gulped. Maybe he should take his leave already and stop eavesdropping like an idiot from outside.

He knows it's the best for him to stop caring so much about you, but for some reason he can't stop caring. It saddens Tsukishima when he can't see you. It hurts him when you cry. It worries him if you're okay. He knows you belonged to someone. He knows this much, but he still can't stop himself. He still wants what's best for you. In the end, it only hurts him most when he knows he can't own you.

hELP I've made Tsuki ooc?¿?¡

And thankyou for 3k votes!;; ♡♡♡

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