Chapter 05

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The small family appeared in their living room. Grethel knew fairly well Rabastan would be quick to question their daughter, therefore she ushered Lilianne to go see her brother first thing after they stepped into the house. In the meantime, she entertained her husband for a while until he let it go.

Sebastian has stayed home, he was not even twelve yet and children so little weren't usually taken to events. They would start to mingle with the adults at fourteen, their first year at Hogwarts, before then only at private parties with other kids their age. Such as birthdays or playdates. Lily went straight to Sebastian's room, to find him playing with Teda. "You're back" The boy exclaimed, "How was everything?"

"Alright, I suppose" She said, combing his hair with her fingers. "Did you meet that boy?" He asked.

"What boy, Bas?" She said looking into his eyes. "Your betrothed, that's what uncle said" He answered innocently.

That was weird, her brother had spent most of the past three days inside his room. And when he was out, for meals or just a walk she was with him. Those past three days had actually gone smoothly, and no one had mentioned anything about Flint. At least not to her.

"When did he tell you that?" She asked calmly with her brows a little creased. Her brother, though, immediately looked down, then glanced at the elf and back to his sister. "Uhm, you know, the other day" She could hear the lie in his voice.

"Bas" She warned, she was hoping for the best there. The boy looked anxious, scratching the back of his head, "Fine, a couple of hours ago" he said slowly.

"He was here?" Rodolphus had said he had business to tend to, and she knew better than to question that. So he left earlier than them and was supposed to come back around dinner time. Bellatrix merely muttered that her sister's parties bored her.

The silence and pointed look gave her brother away, "Bas, he was here?". Sebastian knew when he was being scolded, it happened rarely but he didn't like it. "I only saw him when I went to the kitchen" He said timidly, "I'm not supposed to tell anybody".

"Is he still here?" Maybe her mother's words had cut too deep, but she was alarmed, she couldn't trust her uncle with her brother nor herself. She only trusted her mother and the elves. "Did he come see you? Mother told you to stay in the room"

"I did, I just wanted water" He defended. "Alright, what was he doing?" She asked, she could already picture her uncle practising dark magic in front of her young brother.

"Bas you have to tell me, did he do something? Was there someone else here?" She kneeled to his height. "No, I just saw him passing," He said. "He was supposed to be out along with aunt, did she stay too?" It was too unusual. "I don't know, I don't think so" Her brother said.

"Bas" She urged. "He was picking up tea, then someone called him and he left" He said "That's all Lil, I promise".

"Someone called, who else was here?" She inquired, another death eater? "A woman, I don't know who" He said.

"You only crossed him once," She confirmed. "Yes, he just said 'nephew' and some things about the party today, then some woman called his name, he left".

"Alright" She said, rubbing his arms to calm herself. "Her voice was funny though" He said. "The woman's?" She smiled her best trying to relax.

"She seemed tired and yelled 'Rodolphus' out of the blue" His tone was somewhat high-pitched in an attempt to imitate the sound he heard. A moan? Lilianne's eyes enlarged at her brother's statement.

"What was uncle wearing?" The girl asked, now cautious. "A robe I think" He said innocently. "Sleeping robe?" She asked, shocked. Sebastian only nodded, not anywhere aware of his sister's findings.

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