Chapter 17

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That Thursday morning was beautiful. Sunny and warm like very few in England. All the more reason to wake up with a smile curving the lips and start a pleasant day.

Lilianne Lestrange had been in a good mood since she rose from her bed. Calmly dressing and tenderly brushing her hair over and over again. The brunette sat at her desk for at least twenty minutes applying rouge cream to her cheeks and a glossy light-tinted balm to her lips. She made a mental note to buy more beauty products on her next Hogsmeade visit.

Nonetheless, pleased with how she looked, she helped Eleonora pack her school bag and gossiped with Corine animatedly. She linked her arm with Ariel's when walking to the Great Hall and was particularly giddy when she entered the place.

Lilianne was excited, even if she had not told anyone, she had a boyfriend. Her first boyfriend. A handsome tall blond boy that now was sitting on the Slytherin table taking his juice in gulps while joking with Blaise. For safety reasons, they had agreed not to openly voice their relationship. Gosh it's weird to say that. Just to their utmost closest friends, but it had not been twenty-four hours since and she had not yet told anyone.

She sat next to him as if nothing happened. Watching in the peripheral of her eye how his smirk grew at her presence, she simply smiled and began to place food on her plate as her friends chatted.

At some point, breakfast was over and children had to hurry if they did not want to be late for their classes. Lilianne was about to take her leave with the blonde girl beside her when she felt a tap on her knee. She looked to her left to see his eyes lost outside the window, but he gave her another tap.

Whatever he was trying to say she did not understand. It was only when her furrowing eyes looked down that she realised his right hand had a little paper on it. Discreetly she took it as he stood, just hovering there until she placed it in her bag and finally went with Ariel to Transfigurations.


She was pressed against the brick of a wall by a muscled body in front of her. Her breathing short as big hands ran from her waist to her neck, not timid but still not openly daring. She heard a groaning hum when a little thing inside her told her to nip at his lip and she rejoiced in the dark as her lips locked with the boy's once again.

Lilianne had arrived at the usual corridor she used to take care of the children at five thirty, not sure when he meant for her to be there in his note.

Corridor before six

Was the only thing on the parchment, she would have to speak to him about being more precise. Alas he was there already, with a seductive smile on his face. It was not long before they were like this, impossibly close with one another and not having a care in the world as their mouths joined.

She had wondered the night before, how it would be like when they were alone next. In her mind it would take time to get used to physical proximity, she thought the next time they would kiss would be weird, maybe even uncomfortable. Their first kiss hadn't been, but they were not exactly conscious then.

Surely since it was her first boyfriend it would be a tad stressful or odd, yet it was the polar opposite. She felt at ease, nothing about this moment seemed forced or insincere. Any onlooker would think they had been dating for years at how comfortable they were moving their lips against the other.

Just like he said the day before, things just took their course. 

He had the brown bag with medical potions she'd gotten used to, sitting still on the cement bench. "They're going to get here soon" She whispered, still pressed up against him.

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