Chapter 13

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That particular Friday morning was cold. Even if technically summer had started, grey clouds covered the sky, resembling the eyes of one freshly turned nineteen-year-old.

As a cold breeze flew through the tall windows the birthday boy sat silently pouring some tea on his cup, a scone on his plate already. He had classes, just like any other day, so he was up early having breakfast.

His roommates had all congratulated him earlier, as he left when they were just waking up. He couldn't help it, he was a morning person. And like so, his peace of mind didn't last long, as a very bubbly Parkinson sprinted his way.

"Hello" She said, her voice pitched and a smile on her face, leaning down, she pecked his lips before sitting beside him. He was a little startled but said nothing of it, sipping the hot beverage as the girl started to blab. She was going all about the gift she'd gotten him, how even though Blaise said all presents were to be given during the celebration she'd be willing to let him peek.

He had no interest in it, or in the conversation. His eyes ran over the heads on the table, friends talking, some mocking. People hurriedly copying what was most likely late homework on a parchment, then there were people who, like himself, were quietly having their breakfast. After that of course were the other tables.

He could clearly see Harry Potter glaring at him, Draco sent him a smug smirk until he saw that little minx, the 'Miranda' girl sitting only a few seats from his green-eyed enemy. He had to think of a contingency plan if any of the kids snitched. He supposed he could just deny it, but he was certain Lilianne wouldn't. My! Didn't know she could be so reckless. The things she puts me through!

Speaking of the devil, Lilianne Lestrange walked in, laughing with her friends. She walked slightly straighter when she noticed his gaze, trying her best for him not to notice. The girls went to sit and she looked at him directly for the first time that day. His eyes were somewhat expectant, "Happy birthday Malfoy" she said in a sweet voice.

He gave her a somewhat smug smile, how long had it been since she called him by his first name? She used to do that before. More people gathered around, and the same two words were repeated over and over as Slytherins arrived 'Happy birthday', no one wanted to be on his bad side.

"Mate" Nott said, patting his back as he sat down as well, the conversation had picked up with the table population. Curious heads whispering of what had the Malfoy heir planned for this year. When he turned eighteen last year he had arranged for Slytherins to have a bonfire by the lake.

This year though, he did not want to deal with Snape the next day. He had caught them, and with his usual displeased expression had ushered Hagrid and other teachers away, he however did not refrain from scolding the boy and his two best friends.

He had a point, a good part of his house had been drinking out of grounds unsupervised, but the boys didn't see it that way. "Ladies, don't forget, the profligacy begins at 10" Theo said with a smile, raising his cup for a toast.

They all laughed at his humour, Draco sending him a half glare between snickers.


Lilianne gasped when he appeared behind her in the corridor, the same brown satchel in his hand. She had been doubtful if he would appear, it was his birthday after all. But there he was, "Hi" speaking calmly.

"Thank you" She said, eyeing the bottles. He just pursed his lips, pushing his hair back. "I thought you'd be pre-celebrating" The girl commented.

Draco huffed, "Nah, everyone is arranging the common room and they don't want me anywhere near it" he raised his brows, "Besides it's not all that fun to drink alone" he added with a smirk. "You're keeping it local this year?" She asked, "For a moment there I thought I'd have to unpack my swimsuit" she joked.

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