Chapter 10

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Umbridge was a pain in the balls. She had summoned the whole Inquisitorial squad Sunday morning only to give them a long lecture on the importance of catching Harry Potter and his miscreant friend group with their illegal band before they turned into a revolution.

Draco already knew this. And the pink fur ball had them running across the halls like idiots for weeks now. Still even with interrogations, no one said a word to dismantle the group. It was adding to Draco's foul mood this whole thing.

He had planned on cornering Lestrange first thing in the morning that day, to keep incriminating her, but the tiresome professor had other ideas. She demanded all of them to patrol the whole day, they'd be allowed thirty minutes to eat in the morning, afternoon and night, besides that they'd be taking all possible hall and corridor to keep an eye on every room of the castle. Does she want us to patrol the bathrooms too?

So Draco's day, along with Blaise, Theo, Crabbe, Goyle, Pucey and Pansy was fully claimed by Umbridge, along with all the other members of the Inquisitorial squad.


Lilianne woke up with anxiety rippling through her. By instinct dressing and brushing her hair before heading for breakfast with her three roommates. Her brain did not register the steps she was taking or the chat beside her. She just sat down on the bench, placing two of whatever was in front of her on her plate.

She did look up though, as chirps were heard. Multiple owls flying in, making the usual mess they did every morning as they tried to locate the person their parcel was for. Some simply moved until the knot loosened, over the student to have the package drop in front of him. Others, the ones better trained, landed before the person and remained still until the human had the letter or box in his hands.

That, of course, not including the ones with a temper. But either way, she looked up, taking into account the time she sent her letter, the message would be arriving around this time to Lestrange Estate, her owl probably interrupting her parent's breakfast as all these were doing hers.

A response could arrive in hours, or days. She was not sure, but naively she remained with her eyes on the roof until all animals were gone. Lilianne knew she wouldn't be receiving a letter now, it'd be impossible to, but she had hoped she would.

Ariel's hand brushed her shoulder, as silent comfort. "Nothing huh?" The blonde asked. "No" Lilianne replied, looking at the ceiling, hoping the animal would appear out of the blue. "Don't worry, I'm sure your mother will write soon. Maybe she's talking with Flint now and breaking it all off" Ariel said in an encouraging tone, the girl just smiled, hoping for that also.

It was finally then when she looked around, noticing there were surprisingly very few people at the breakfast table that morning. Her eyebrows furrowed, "Where is everyone?". It was not unusual for students to sleep in on the weekends, but that day, only the Slytherin table seemed to be lacking members.

"No idea" The blonde answered, drinking some of her juice. It was certainly weird, Tichborne had actually been anticipating today's breakfast, yesterday's events had gone so fast she barely had time to register them. She wanted to hear Malfoy's explanation. As stated, Lilianne had no intention of avoiding Draco, she had done nothing wrong to him, or anybody for that matter. Ariel supported that. Yet he was not in there.

"Let's distract ourselves, cannot have you torturing your mind all day" She proposed. The brunette smiled sarcastically at her friend, "And what exactly do you propose we do?".

"We could... go to the library" Tichborne said. "Are you alright Ari?" Lily placed a hand on her forehead and faked a bad worried face. "Don't mock me, I let some papers pile up and I can't get the last potion through my skull" Ariel defended.

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