A pillow hit her face in a second. Two weeks had passed since that day in the alcove. A week since the last time she met up with the first-years to take care of their injured hands. For they were no longer injured, they had healed due to her attention.
All first and second years were off the hook, yet while the second years had scarred words on top of their hands, the first years didn't. Lilianne had felt bad for a bit, but Draco reminded her, she could only do so much, and she had already done a lot.
At the very least the children she helped were good and healthy, she liked to think a bit of that was because of her.
Over the two weeks, examination time approached. She watched his friends bury themselves in books or spend hours just practising one spell that they already mastered. OWLs were a serious matter, and the fifth years knew it. Lilianne and her year had regular exams, but that did not mean she was any less stressed.
Monday she opened with Charms, her older friends with written Potions. For that she had locked herself in her dorm with Ariel and Corine, it had been five hours since the young fourth years did not go out. Entirely focused on the books in front of them.
She had already told them of her relationship with the Malfoy boy. Only them though, she felt a little bad keeping it from Eleonora and Warren, but it was easier that way. Warren wouldn't get hurt and Elli, well truth is she wanted to tell her, but her friends thought otherwise.
They loved their redhead roommate, but it was clear as day she would not keep something from the Phelps boy. She was head over heels for him, even if he didn't notice and even if she never said a word. The girls knew she was forever on a quest to earn his favour and if she was lucky, his affection. The most she'd gotten was a hug.
If the situation was as critical as Lilianne said, it was best to not let anything leak and remain quiet. Tichborne thought it was a tad weird but reasonable, Excelfan was elated at the romanticism a secret love meant.
Lilianne had met up with Malfoy a lot over this past two weeks. She was already familiar with his kisses and his touch, she was used to his humour now, she felt easy in his presence. But that did not mean she felt love, she had never fallen in love so there was nothing to compare it with but what she was certain of now, was that she liked him very, very, very much.
That was actually what earned her a pillow on the face. The satin fabric smacking softly on her focused face. Her friends had taken a habit of asking her of her rendezvous with Malfoy either when she came back from seeing him or first thing in the morning the next day.
But the little brunette was adamant on really grasping the illustration in the book. "Just tell us!" Corine said with a knowing smile, Ariel next to her made puppy eyes. Lilianne gasped, grabbing the pillow and throwing it back to them, "Grow up".
"Says the one who threw it back" The blonde laughed, "Why don't you want to say? Did you do something nasty?" her eyebrows raised. Lestrange looked up alarmed, "No, no... no, we just kissed"
"Ahhhhhh!" The girls squeaked, "You kissed!" they laughed, the brunette could not let the small smile from creeping on her face. "You already know we kiss" She rolled her eyes. "We are being supportive, could you just let us" Her friend replied.
The next couple of minutes were quiet until Ariel spoke "You truly haven't done anything... Else?". Lilianne shaked her head no. "I always figured you were just embarrassed to tell us" Corine said attentively.
"Malfoy hasn't made a move?" This was surprising, the whole school knew how good Draco was with the ladies, to think he had a relationship for about a month now and nothing sexual had happened was odd. "No, I mean. I told him that I wasn't really... uh... that I wasn't ready" Lil explained.

FanfictionWith the recent escape of someone's father, things start to change. Dark times approach and people are bound to take action. There are expectations to fill and last names to uphold, there are also teenagers who are forced to grow, face their terrors...