Chapter 01

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Mass breakout from Azkaban read in big bold letters the moment Lilianne Lestrange picked up a copy of the Daily Prophet before her breakfast.

Her eyes slightly enlarged with curiosity at the article before her and a shiver ran down her spine at the featuring picture, a portrait of a demented woman, screaming in the confinement of her cell. A photo of Bellatrix Lestrange, her political aunt.

After a brief interview with the Minister, she could not help her brows from lifting at the list of escapees. Around midnight the prison had suffered a security breach, never seen before in all its history. While the paper did not narrate details or specify the development, among speculation it did communicate several wizards had broken their chains, among them Rodolphus, her uncle, his wife Bellatrix and Rabastan Lestrange, her father.

As she read for the third time, inspecting every word in front of her eyes, she could not pretend to not hear the murmurs any longer. She felt eyes on her left, right, back and front. The students of Hogwarts were certainly paying more attention to the young Slytherin that winter morning.

She went through that in her first year. Some older students, mainly from other houses, would come up to her randomly and tease nonstop about her father, whom she had not seen for six years by then. However, as she focused on herself and kept a low profile, her stay at school eased.

She had told her roommate they would meet there before heading to class, but the tension in the room was too much to bear. Quietly she left the room, advancing to the Transfiguration classroom to start her day, in hopes of making it more normal.

A couple of minutes before the class started, she heard someone slip in the seat next to her. The girl relaxed when she saw the rebellious blonde locks of her best friend. Ariel Tichborne had been one of her roommates since their very first year, the couple of girls connected easily and even though their personalities clashed more often than not.

They had met when both were merely nine, in a playdate their parents organized among other children. Of all those present, they stuck with each other, not separating ever since. "You didn't wait for me Lil. I didn't get there so late" The blonde whined.

"I take it you haven't read the paper yet" Was the only answer the brunette could produce. "Why? What happened?" Ariel's curiosity rising. The brunette fumbled in her book bag, almost catching the thin sheets before someone spoke.

"Miss Tichborne, class just started" Professor McGonagall stated in an accusatory tone. Both girls went quiet as Liliane whispered "Later", the blonde grumbled, but stayed silent, twirling her quill in her hand for the rest of the class.


The two fourth-years were exhausted after two full hours of lecture with Professor Trelawney, after having spent another two early with McGonagall, incredibly anxious for their free period to start. So much so they were the first to spring out of the classroom.

Divination was not a class the girls particularly enjoyed, but it was just one of those things you have to put up with in school. "I feel like McGonagall was particularly vicious today" Whined Ariel to her friend "It's like she wants us to not understand a word."

"Well, her class is not exactly one of the easy ones" Lilianne replied, "But what about Trelawney, I can barely process a word she says before I get lost again" she just was not good at it, like astronomy, for some reason her brain chose not to cooperate when it came to them.

"I find her quite entertaining" Said the blonde with a smirk while pulling a single piece of parchment from her satchel "Look," She said extending it to her friend. Lestrange scanned the sheet looking for something out of the ordinary but was unsuccessful. "What's so special about it?" Said with her brows furrowed.

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