Afternoon the next day, the Edgecombe girl had passed Malfoy a note for him to meet her. It was not that he doubted his abilities with women, but it seemed all too simple, she must be really desperate to trust him just like that.
Deprived or not, it benefited him. The next day that very hour, the inquisitorial squad will have Potter and his sidekicks at their mercy, all because of him.
"Oh, good-humoured Draco is back. Who was it?" Theo asked at the ease with which he entered their dorm and the smirk on his face. "Don't you have patrol today?" Crabbe voiced, "It's almost six".
"Not going" The blond said simply. "What?" This time it was Goyle who raised.
"Get the whole squad tomorrow Zabini" He said from the comfort of his bed, "And have Umbridge be there. Six on the dot".
"Why would I do that?" Blaise said sarcastically. "Because tomorrow we catch Potter" Draco smirked at him.
"I was going to get you to say please, but I suppose that works too" Zabini concluded, organising his sweaters inside his trunk. "We've wanted to do that the whole year, what makes you think we'll get him tomorrow" Theo questioned.
"Trust the process Nott, tomorrow at six, fourth floor, west corridor" He said, closing his eyes for a well-earned nap.
That next morning he was radiant, not literally but the confidence he exuded definitely gained attention. Pansy felt particularly trustful to approach him and try and get their relationship to where it was before the incident.
And she succeeded, he simply told her 'Let's leave it at that' when she asked if he was still mad at her, and smiled even larger when Blaise told her it was the day Draco would capture Potter.
At five forty-nine, the whole inquisitorial squad was hidden behind several pillars and blind spots around the corridor. Blaise even convinced Umbridge to go along, she'd been very difficult to budge.
After months of persecution, she'd grown a tad distrustful when her squad caught empty leads, Zabini barging into her office and telling her she had to come capture Potter with no absolute proof whatsoever, telling her she had to hide and wait, like she hadn't already done that, did not convince her.
But regardless she went, and hid behind a rather large column watching as Malfoy stood confidently in the middle of the hall.
Draco watched as a figure walked near him, and smiled when the Edgecombe girl came to view, "Thought you wouldn't come" he said. "I told you I'd show you, but please..." She began nervously, "No one can know that I showed you".
He nodded at her with a fake understanding face, "And you have to give me some time to get my friends out of it. I don't want them to get in trouble" she added, worried. "Don't worry kitten, just trust me" He said softly, watching her smile at the pet name.
She boldly grabbed his hand and led him to the corridors. Just as they were about to turn the corner, Draco made a sign with his hand for the group to follow. She led him three stories up, and turned a couple of corners before standing before an empty wall.
"This is it, a wall?" He questioned, they already knew that. "It opens to us. I don't know how Harry did it" She answered slowly. "And they are in there?" He asked.
"They should all be in there now" She whispered as if Dumbledore's army could hear them through the wall, "Class began at five thirty" she said fidgeting as the itching in her face grew stronger, she'd had it for two days now. "Do you believe you can trust me now, that we can be together the right way?" She said hopefully, rubbing on her left cheek.

FanfictionWith the recent escape of someone's father, things start to change. Dark times approach and people are bound to take action. There are expectations to fill and last names to uphold, there are also teenagers who are forced to grow, face their terrors...