Chapter 12 Hacker

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Damn it. I said too much, Yoko thought, fighting to keep any trace of panic from showing on her face. She swallowed hard, trying to regain her composure. "A-hem. I did my research before accepting this position," she said, forcing a calmness into her voice. Her eyes, however, avoided Faye's intense gaze, her hands clasped tightly behind her back.

Faye, now standing with her arms crossed, wasn't buying it for a second. "You were in my car less than an hour after you applied," Faye said, her tone sharp and accusatory. "Try again."

Yoko flinched internally. She's not going to let this go. "Some things are common knowledge," Yoko replied, her attempt to sound casual falling flat.

Faye's expression darkened, the anger building inside her. She slammed her fist onto the table with a loud thump, the sound reverberating through the room. "In my line of business, YES!" she shouted. In an instant, Faye's hand gripped Yoko's jaw, her hold firm but controlled, careful not to hurt her—yet the intensity of the gesture made Yoko's heart race.

"But in yours? I don't think so," Faye growled, her eyes boring into Yoko's with a deadly seriousness.

Yoko, feeling the tension rising, tried to respond. "ENA's training is comprehen—"

But Faye didn't let her finish. "Why are you lying?" Faye demanded, her voice low but seething with rage. Her eyes, locked onto Yoko's, carried a dangerous edge, the kind that could make anyone's blood run cold.

"I have to say, it makes you look guilty," Faye continued, finally letting go of Yoko's face but grabbing her arm instead, pulling her closer. "Tell me the truth, or you're out of this house."

Yoko swallowed hard, the weight of Faye's words crashing down on her. The finality of Faye's next statement was clear. "I won't have a liar protecting my daughter."

Yoko's mind raced as the pressure mounted, Faye's grip tightening on her arm. Shit, I have to give her something, Yoko thought, trying in vain to pry Faye's hand away. But she knew she couldn't tell the truth—not about being here to investigate her parents' murders. That would unravel everything.

Faye's voice, low and controlled, cut through the tension. "You have five seconds."

Yoko's heart pounded. I could fight her off easily, she thought, feeling the strength in her own body, but being fired won't get me the answers I want.

"Three sec—" Faye began, her tone an unmistakable warning.

Suddenly, Yoko's resolve cracked. She spoke, her voice quieter than she intended, a trace of fear creeping in as she looked down. "It could get me in trouble."

Faye released her grip on Yoko's arm, her demeanor shifting slightly. She gently nudged Yoko's chin upward, tilting the smaller woman's face so she was forced to look up at her. There was an unexpected softness in Faye's eyes, a glimmer of concern beneath the layers of suspicion.

"With whom?" Faye asked, her voice much gentler now, almost coaxing the truth out of Yoko.

Yoko hesitated, her heart still racing. She knew Faye wouldn't let this go, and now she had to tread carefully.

"The law. ENA. Take your pick," Yoko muttered, avoiding Faye's piercing gaze. "I'd be ruined if anyone found out," she added, her voice lower, the tension building between them.

Faye, still standing close, lowered her hand. "The one with the power to ruin you right now is me," she said, her voice firm. "Just tell me the truth. Are you in a gang?"

The question took Yoko by surprise. "A—what?" she stammered.

"A syndicate? A rival mafia? Are you here to spy on me?" Faye pressed, anger returning to her face.

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