Chapter 25 I'll do better next time

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Yoko and Mikey trudged toward the crowd of guests that had gathered outside, their faces painted with shock and disbelief. Yoko was limping, her body aching from the fall, but she kept her arm protectively around Mikey, who was still calling out for her mother with desperation.

"Mama!" Mikey's voice cracked as she shouted, tears streaking down her cheeks.

Suddenly, Adam's voice cut through the chaos. "Mikey!" Relief flooded his tone as he rushed over. "Thank Christ you made it out," he added, looking between Yoko and Mikey with genuine relief.

"I can't find Mama," Mikey sobbed, her little face crumpling as she turned to Adam, her whole body trembling with fear.

Adam crouched down next to her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "We'll find her, okay?" he said softly, his eyes then shifting to Yoko. "Good work," he whispered, his voice low and urgent, meant only for her ears. "You saved her."

Yoko, still breathing heavily, shook her head. "Ms. Malisorn? Where is she?" she asked, her voice thick with worry. Her mind was racing, heart pounding, and she couldn't help the dreadful thoughts creeping in.

Adam's expression turned serious, but there was a flicker of uncertainty. "She probably went out the back... but I haven't seen her yet." His words were measured, as if he was trying not to alarm Mikey more than she already was.

Yoko bit her lip, glancing around at the frantic faces of the guests and workers who had gathered outside. This isn't right. Something gnawed at the back of her mind, a feeling that was too familiar, too painful. Not again, she thought, trying to shake off the memories of another fire, another tragedy.

"Why didn't the smoke alarms go off?" Yoko asked, her voice quiet but sharp, her eyes locking with Adam's.

"This was no accident," Adam replied, his voice low but filled with certainty.

Not an accident... Yoko's breath hitched. She couldn't stop the flood of memories crashing into her—her childhood home in flames, her parents gone, her life shattered in a single night. Could it be the same? Could someone have done this on purpose?

Suddenly, a deafening explosion erupted from the house, the force of it sending a shockwave through the crowd. Everyone turned toward the mansion, the flames now engulfing the upper floors. The explosion had come from the direction of Faye's room.

"Mama's room!" Mikey screamed, trying to break free from Yoko's grasp.

Yoko grabbed Mikey, pulling her back, but the little girl was hysterical. "She wasn't in there, I promise," Adam said urgently, trying to reassure her as he pulled her closer to him.

Mikey sniffled, her tiny body shaking. "Are you sure?" she asked, her voice so fragile, so desperate.

Adam nodded quickly, glancing at Yoko as if for confirmation. "She was in the library giving a toast when Julia sounded the alarm," he said, but there was a tension in his voice. Yoko could see it—the same fear, the same uncertainty that was gnawing at her.

Yoko held Mikey tightly, her heart pounding, her eyes fixed on the mansion now consumed by fire. She whispered softly to herself, her mind racing. Faye, please be safe. Please...

Yoko's mind raced as she processed Adam's words. Julia? she thought, her brows furrowing. "Julia?" Yoko asked aloud, needing confirmation.

"She was taking plates to the kitchen and saw the smoke," Adam explained, his voice tight. "By then, half the second story was aflame."

Yoko's chest tightened as she looked up at the burning mansion. The flames were too fierce, too fast. "It spread so fast..." she murmured, her mind connecting the dots. "Accelerant?"

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