Chapter 18 Little mouse

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Yoko lay in her bed, her mind spinning with the revelations staring back at her from the tablet screen. My parents were criminals... The words echoed in her head, heavy and unsettling. She scrolled through the files, her chest tightening as the pieces started to fit together. Money launderers, by the looks of it.

Her fingers trembled slightly as she tapped on document after document, the weight of the truth pressing down on her. They moved cash through casinos and pony races... rare gems through the black market... Her breath hitched as her mind raced through the possibilities. But where did it go wrong?

Yoko's brow furrowed as she narrowed her search, determined to uncover the missing pieces. She tapped the screen, typing Lertprasert + Fire into the search bar, hoping for answers.

Just as the search began to process, the screen suddenly froze.

"What the—?" Yoko muttered, her heart skipping a beat. She tapped the screen again, but it remained frozen, then flickered, and then, without warning, everything crashed. The screen went dark.

Her pulse quickened, anxiety creeping into her chest. "Someone booted me from the network," she whispered to herself, her voice laced with shock and disbelief. The calm she'd maintained for so long shattered as the realization hit her. Someone is watching... Someone knows I was digging.

Yoko sat up straighter in bed, ignoring the sharp pain in her shoulder. Her jaw clenched, determination washing over her as she stared at the now-black tablet screen. Time to take a serious look at Faye's cyber-security.

She knew it was risky, but there was no turning back now. Whatever Faye had hidden in those files, Yoko needed to know. And she wasn't going to stop until she had all the answers.


In Venice, Wiz sat in a dimly lit room, the glow from multiple monitors casting eerie shadows across his face. His fingers flew across the keyboard, his eyes scanning the data logs with laser focus. The room buzzed with the quiet hum of servers, a stark contrast to the chaotic thoughts racing through his mind.

"Nice try, little mouse," he muttered under his breath, a smug smile tugging at the corner of his lips. On one of the screens, a map displayed the Malisorn network activity, and the red flag of an unauthorized breach blinked repeatedly. But it wasn't the breach that had his attention—it was the precision of it. Whoever had tried to hack in was skilled, far more than he'd anticipated.

But what were you looking for? Wiz leaned closer, narrowing his eyes at the screen, trying to retrace the hacker's steps. He tapped the keys, pulling up more data. "You weren't just browsing. You were searching for something specific... weren't you?" he murmured to himself, his fingers dancing over the keyboard as he decrypted more of the logs.

His eyes flicked to another screen showing an external feed of the Malisorn mainhouse. The compound loomed in the darkness, quiet and undisturbed. "How did you get inside the house?" Wiz asked, his voice barely a whisper. He leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, staring intently at the monitors.

The system's airtight. No one's getting in without me knowing... so how the hell did you slip through?

He continued typing, accessing more encrypted layers, his frustration growing. "Are you inside? Or are you close?" Wiz tapped his fingers against the desk, deep in thought. It can't be an outsider, not without help from within...

He paused, leaning forward again, eyes narrowing on the screen. The house was full of people—guards, staff, Faye's inner circle. But who? He shook his head, pushing the thought aside for the moment.

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