Chapter 8 James Bond

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At the station

The bus came to a halt, and the driver's voice rang out, "Gare!" Mikey quickly hopped up from her seat, her heart racing with anticipation. She was so close to reaching her mother. Stepping off the bus, she looked ahead, ready to make her way through the busy station.

But just as she took her first step, a voice from behind her made her freeze in place.

"Going somewhere?"

Mikey stiffened, her small body tensing as she recognized the voice.

Eighteen minutes earlier...

Yoko stood by the street, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the area like a detective in a noir film. Her mind clicked into overdrive, processing every possible escape route. Target exited the alley at 40 seconds, she mentally noted, watching as the crowd moved like puzzle pieces.

Possible avenues of escape: Foot, Bicycle, Bus/Taxi. She looked over at each object lined up neatly across the street, as if waiting for Mikey to make her choice. Yoko could almost picture the little girl darting ahead. Foot speed: Surprisingly fast. Cycling ability: Unknown. Taxi/Bus fare: Possible, though how she'd convince a driver, I'll never know.

Yoko closed her eyes for a brief second, replaying Mikey's typical determination. I must assume she took the fastest avenue, she thought, her mind spinning through the options.

Probable destination? Yoko smirked. Wherever her mother is, of course. Mikey wasn't the type to just sit around and wait—no, she was always on a mission. And I'm the one chasing her down.

With a light, determined grin, Yoko made her decision and set off, a playful glint in her eyes. This is going to be one interesting game of hide-and-seek.

As Yoko started walking, her mind still racing with plans to catch up to Mikey, she caught a snippet of a conversation between two excited tourists nearby.

"So cute, in her little suit!" one of them said with a smile.

Hmm? Yoko thought, her instincts instantly on high alert.

"It's so nice that children can take public transit safely here—" the second girl began to say, but Yoko swiftly interrupted, her urgency overriding any social norms.

"Did you see a little girl in a suit get on a bus?" she asked, her voice tinged with desperation.

The two girls seemed caught off guard, exchanging glances. The first tourist blinked in surprise before stammering, "I... yes?"

Without thinking, Yoko grabbed the girl by the shoulders and gave her a light shake, eyes wide. "Which one?" she demanded, her voice sharp with urgency.

The tourist, a mix of anxiety and fear on her face, pointed shakily in the direction of a departing bus. "T-that one!"

The Gare Express. Target en route to the intercity train station, Yoko thought, a mental map forming in her head like a video game radar, complete with a tiny animated Mikey's head bobbing along on a bus, heading straight for the station.

ETA: 15 minutes, she calculated, feeling the rush of the chase kick in. Time for ENA's training to shine.

She smirked, the thrill of the pursuit lighting up her eyes. With a burst of energy, she sprinted toward her destination, weaving through the crowd like she was in an action movie, her footsteps quick and determined. I'm coming for you, Mikey, she thought, amusement creeping in.

This wasn't just a chase—it was a playful game of strategy.

A guy pushing a bike with a puppy in the front basket caught Yoko's attention, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "I need this," she whispered to herself, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

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