Chapter 20 Doctor

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The kitchen was alive with the sound of bubbling concoctions and Mikey's excited chatter as she and Yoko prepared their science experiment. On the countertop stood a makeshift volcano, and Mikey's face was a mixture of curiosity and impatience as she leaned forward, her hands hovering over the baking soda and vinegar.

"But what makes it explode?" Mikey asked, her small hands fidgeting with the materials.

"The right combination of chemicals," Yoko replied, holding up the vinegar bottle like it was some ancient potion. "Many things that are harmless on their own can become dangerous when mixed together."

Mikey's eyes gleamed with understanding, and with a mischievous grin, she said, "Like Nicco and Val."

"That hurts my feelings," Nicco chimed in as he and Faye entered the kitchen, a dramatic hand over his chest as if Mikey's words had struck him deeply. "I can be scary without Val, you know."

Faye chuckled lightly, her presence commanding but with a softness reserved for her daughter. "Let's hope so," she said, a teasing glint in her eyes as she turned to Mikey.

Mikey turned to face her mom, her playful mood slipping into something more serious. "You're leaving?"

Faye's smile softened as she stepped closer to her daughter, crouching down to Mikey's level. "Not for long," she said, her voice gentle. Then, glancing over her shoulder, she addressed Yoko. "Yoko?"

Yoko quickly peeled off her rubber gloves, feeling the warmth rise to her cheeks at Faye's gaze. "Yes, ma'am," she said, trying not to let the fluttering in her chest show. She pulled a folded piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to Faye. "The information you were looking for..."

Faye took the paper, her fingers brushing Yoko's hand for a moment before she pocketed the note. "Thank you," she said softly, her voice holding an unspoken gratitude that made Yoko's heart skip a beat.

"She's in Rouen," Yoko added, her eyes flicking nervously between Faye and the floor.

Faye's expression flickered with something unreadable as she responded, "And you should still be wearing your sling." She stepped closer to Yoko, her eyes briefly resting on Yoko's healing shoulder before she sighed. With a glance at Nicco, Faye added, "We leave in ten."

"You got it, boss," Nicco said with his usual grin, leaning against the doorframe.

Faye turned back to Mikey, bending down to brush a stray hair from her daughter's face. "I'll be back before you wake up in the morning."

Mikey, her eyes narrowing with suspicion, asked, "What's in Rouen?"

Faye smiled and shook her head, dodging the question as she always did. "Never you mind," she said, pressing a kiss to Mikey's forehead. "Be good for Yoko, and don't blow up the house."

Mikey grinned up at her mother, a devilish twinkle in her eye. "Just the kitchen?"

Faye chuckled and nudged Mikey's chin. "You'll have to answer to Signora Conte for that." She glanced toward the window, her expression briefly darkening. "And stay out of the garden until the workers are finished."

As Faye and Nicco made their way to the door, Mikey whispered to Yoko, "We could blow up the kitchen, right? Just a little?"

Yoko stifled a laugh, shaking her head. "Only if you can clean it up before Signora Conte finds out."

Mikey let out a dramatic sigh, watching as her mother disappeared from view. "Fine," she muttered, but the spark of mischief in her eyes suggested she hadn't given up on her plan just yet.

The Nanny // Faye Yoko AUWhere stories live. Discover now